Indoor Plants: Benefits For Your Home. Video

Indoor Plants: Benefits For Your Home. Video

Indoor plants not only decorate the interior, make the atmosphere much cozier and nicer, but also effectively purify the air and saturate it with oxygen. Moreover, there are plants that are harmful. They should not be installed by families with small children, or those with a tendency to allergies or respiratory diseases.

The benefits of indoor plants

Many indoor plants decorate houses, contribute to the comfort and create a happy aura for residents. However, some flowers have powerful healing properties and may well replace even a home medicine cabinet. And most varieties emit phytoncides, which effectively clean the air from impurities and heavy metals. For example, geranium, chlorophytum, myrtle, asparagus have this ability.

Scientists have come up with a list of plants, the cultivation of which at home has a positive effect on the health and psychological climate of the family:

– useful houseplant asparagus reduces the concentration of harmful microorganisms in the air and releases phytoncides. Alternatively, you can purchase a Dracaena or Monster instead of this healer. They have similar beneficial qualities;

– geranium is also endowed with exceptional properties to destroy bacteria and viruses in the air. She even manages to cope with streptococci, staphylococci. This flower will protect the room from mosquitoes, midges and flies, in addition, it releases substances into the air that have a beneficial effect on the psyche and help fight depression;

– cacti will help reduce the impact of electromagnetic radiation on the human body. Plants in pots are placed next to the working equipment;

– chlorophytum cleans the air from toxic substances that emit pieces of furniture from chipboard;

– spathiphyllum, Benjamin’s ficus will get rid of phenol and formaldehyde particles. These plants can be placed in the kitchen to remove odors from the air. In addition, they successfully cope with tobacco smoke. And ivy will get rid of the envy of neighbors.

Indoor plants for health and psychological comfort

The scent emitted by lemon balm, jasmine and basil will help you fall asleep – they can be placed in the bedroom. Improve memory and help to cheer up lemon, bergamot, mint, basil, thyme. Their leaves can be safely added to food and drinks. And psychologists say that green helps to maintain peace of mind.

Laurel, geranium, peperomia, cypress successfully cope with viruses. Energy purifiers will help to normalize the climate in the family. These are plants such as nephrolepis, pelargonium, ivy, passionflower. At home, you can successfully grow needles, such as araucaria, cypress, pine, tuyevik, etc. The negatively charged ions released by these plants help diabetics, people suffering from vegetative dystonia, as well as those who suffer from migraines. These same ions neutralize the harmful effects of household appliances.

Spruce and pine trees act as a vacuum cleaner and help get rid of fine dust. Cypress and juniper are relevant in houses located in a noisy place. If you force the windowsill with them, you can create good additional sound insulation. But they require keeping in a cool room. It is easy to care for conifers, they are rarely watered, only on summer days.

It is very good for your health to keep a lemon tree in your home. Even a small plant accelerates the recovery of patients, its leaves secrete about 85% of nutrients. Citrus essential oils help to activate the brain, regulate blood pressure and give vigor.

Ficus will help stabilize a positive family climate, promote offspring and help get rid of warts. Try using the plant as a folk remedy for mastopathy. You need to take a few leaves, chop them and mix with honey and flour. The resulting cake should be applied to the affected area for 15 minutes 1 time a day. The full course of treatment is 14 days.

Not all flowers and plants benefit their owners. For example, the leaves of crops of the euphorbia family contain toxic milky juice, which causes poisoning in humans. Leaves of dieffenbachia, anthurium, syngonium are poisonous.

Houseplants can trigger allergy or asthma attacks. Some of them emit suffocating odors that trigger headaches and nausea. If you choose the “right” flowers, to which there will be no negative reactions, troubles can be avoided. Essential oils secreted during the flowering period of oils of hyacinths, verbena, geraniums, levkoes, daffodils and some other flowers cause migraines and vomiting.

It is advisable to take care of indoor plants with gloves, so you reduce the risk of scratches and allergic reactions

The sap of oleander leaves and stems is also poisonous. Avoid contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth and hands, exclude contact with the eyes. After caring for the plant, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water.

Hives and eczema can be obtained from contact with primrose flowers and leaves. Moreover, allergies can arise simply from the smell.

According to Feng Shui experts, thorny plants can provoke quarrels between households. When watering cacti, wear heavy gloves such as leather. Thorns on the skin often form painful irritations and even long-term sores that are difficult to treat. Therefore, take precautions.

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