Indoor palm: tropical trees at home. Video
On cold winter evenings in a warm, cozy apartment, you really want to have a piece of your own evergreen tropical forest. In summer, on the balcony it is pleasant to relax from the heat in the shade of palm trees and vines. For those who want to have their own tropics, palm trees are of course the most suitable. It is quite possible to grow a palm tree, but there are a number of conditions that must be observed.
Domestic palm tree: care rules
The name “palm” means “palm” in Latin. It is clear that it came about from the fact that the leaves of the plant resemble the spread fingers of a human palm. There are two types of palms: feathery and fan-shaped. These trees are tropical, their homeland is the tropics and subtropics, where it is always warm and humid. If you have the right conditions, and you are ready to create such a microclimate, then growing such plants will be easy for you.
Knowing the growing conditions of palm trees in nature, the peculiarities of the native climate, it will be much easier to care for them
Finding the seeds of different palms is quite simple, it will be more difficult to grow an indoor palm tree at home to the desired size, namely, wait for the highest possible growth. Palm is a long-lasting plant, after all, it is a real tree and in nature reaches high sizes in several decades. In order to have a large enough tree in the house, many already buy adult plants, since there is a very large selection of them in specialized stores.
In order for the acquired tree to be comfortable in your home, you need to properly care for it. Almost all indoor palms require the same maintenance. Almost each of them needs a lot of space, that is, a spacious room. In addition, palms are lonely trees and do not like close proximity to other plants.
The most popular varieties of indoor palms
The date palm is one of the most common domesticated palms. Many have grown such a palm from a date seed, planting it in a pot 10-15 years ago. But for growing at home, the Robelen date palm with inedible fruits is better suited. This tree grows up to two meters in height, has a lush crown, shaggy trunk and curved leaves.
Dracaena – this type of palm tree has perfectly taken root in apartments in recent decades. Dracaena leaves are gathered in bunches in a panicle at the top of the trunk. There are burgundy, dark green, light green and striped colors. They often have many trunks and grow up to two meters in height. Easily propagated by cuttings.
Areca is a very beautiful palm tree with a flexible trunk and a powerful bunch of feathery leaves at the top. The house grows up to two meters, the leaves can reach up to a meter in length.
Trachikarpus is one of the more adapted palms for growing at home. It has a bottle-shaped trunk and huge fan-shaped leaves. It blooms with white or yellow fragrant flowers and can produce blue-black fruits.
Kariota is outwardly different from his fellows. The leaves are in the form of an elongated triangle, as if torn off at wide ends. It grows faster than its relatives and lives for about 20 years.
Foster’s Hovea (govea) is the most popular palm for cultivation. It is unpretentious, has dark green leathery leaves, mealy worms and spider mites do not like it. Her sister Hovea Belmora requires more regular watering.
Rapeseed tall easily tolerates drought, but requires good lighting, does not tolerate direct sunlight and shading. It grows as a bush with fan-shaped leaves.
Hamedorea graceful tolerates drought and tolerates low light well. The leaves are quite tender and are often attacked by pests.
Palm trees need proper lighting and a comfortable temperature, sufficient air humidity. The worst enemy of indoor palms is central heating – although it provides the necessary warmth in winter, it practically dries up the air, which is destructive for a palm tree.
Spraying a palm tree is the main principle of caring for it. It is just as important as watering. The domestic palm tree may well survive a drought, but it certainly will not withstand dry air. It is necessary to spray a palm tree with warm water 2-3 times a week in summer, as well as every day during the heating season. In this case, it is better to use distilled water, which does not leave white streaks on the leaves. This water can be bought at car dealerships or collected from your own air conditioner. As a last resort, you need to use filtered water. Spray the leaves on both sides.
Watering palms from March to October is recommended every day, watering should be light, so that the soil is constantly slightly moist. In winter, watering is carried out 2-3 times a week. Tap water is not the best option for watering palms, as well as for other indoor plants. Tap water should be left to stand for 1-2 days in an open vessel in order for chlorine to evaporate and excess minerals to settle. Salts dissolved in water spoil the soil in the tub very badly, this makes the palms sick and develop poorly.
The palm tree does not tolerate direct sunlight, it needs bright, but diffused light. On the windowsills, palm trees have to be shaded during hours of direct sunlight. All palms, like real tropical plants, need a warm temperature in the house. Some varieties of palms, such as washingtonia, brachea, trachycarpus, hamerops, should be moved to a cool room for the winter, where the temperature does not drop below 15 degrees Celsius. All palms are afraid of drafts, their roots do not tolerate the cold, so the tubs should not be placed on a cold windowsill or floor.
In the process of growth, the indoor palm must be replanted: actively growing young trees – every year, and the older the tree, the less often. It is better to transplant in the spring in a pot, a little more than before, according to the general rules for transplanting indoor plants. Transplanted and young trees do not need special feeding for about six months. Adult palms should be fertilized from March to September once a week using regular flower fertilizers as indicated on the package.
With proper care of the palm, the plant will delight you with huge green leaves, fresh appearance and good growth. However, trouble happens when the tree starts to hurt. Here are some symptoms of indoor palm diseases, causes of diseases and treatments:
– dry or brown leaf tips – dry air and insufficient watering. Cut off dry ends, water and spray regularly; – cessation of growth – cold or damp room, lack of nutrition. Feed and move to a warm place; – leaves turn yellow – insufficient watering. It is necessary to water more often; – young leaves dry – the action of direct sunlight. Shade the plant; – “rusty” spots on the leaves – waterlogged soil, hard water or a sharp drop in temperature. Reduce watering, settle water, monitor the temperature in the room; – the lower leaves dry up – a natural process, they are removed, carefully cutting off the trunk.
Whichever type of palm tree you choose for your tropical garden, remember that trees are living beings, they are keenly aware of the attitude towards themselves. They may even react to the psychological atmosphere in the home or office. With proper care, a good indoor climate and a positive emotional atmosphere, palm trees will delight with their beauty for many years, growing more and more, creating real home tropics.