Indoor maple care
Indoor maple has a different name – abutilone. It stands out among domestic plants with large carved leaves and bright flowers that resemble bells. If the plant is properly cared for, it will bloom almost all year round.
The flower needs timely watering, warmth and bright lighting. Otherwise, taking care of abutilon is easy, the main thing is to know some of the nuances.
Bright red indoor maple flowers resemble bells
The optimum temperature in summer is 24 ° C, in the cold season – 15-17 ° C. In summer, the plant can be kept outdoors, but you need to monitor the air temperature. If the temperature drops to 13-14 ° C, the flower must be brought into the room immediately. High or too low temperatures lead to rot, loss of buds and leaves.
Abutilon prefers bright lighting. The splendor of flowering directly depends on the abundance of sunlight. Only on the hottest days can the plant be shaded. In the cold season, it is advisable to arrange additional lighting for the flower. It is better to put a pot with a plant in a place protected from drafts, since abutilone does not react well to sudden gusts of wind.
It is necessary to water the plant in a timely manner, preventing the earthen coma from drying out. The water should be soft and lukewarm. In winter, watering should be moderate, you can water the plant only when the topsoil dries up. In the heat, the flower must be sprayed with settled water.
How to prune and shape a maple flower
Abutilon grows quickly, so it must be formed. Formation begins when the plant reaches a height of 18-22 cm. The top must be pinched to stimulate the development of lateral branches. It is advisable to tie up weak branches to a support.
Pruning is done after flowering in autumn or spring, removing the shoots by 1/3 of their length, so the abutilone will bloom better. Old, dry, damaged branches are removed completely.
Since the root system of abutilone develops quickly, it needs to be transplanted into a larger pot every year.
Abutilon is an unpretentious flower that is rarely attacked by insects and practically does not get sick. Diseases usually appear due to improper care.
This beautiful decorative flowering shrub will adorn any room – an apartment, an office or a terrace. Long flowering and tall attractive appearance made it quite popular.