Indoor jasmine: growing and care. Video

The birthplace of jasmine is considered to be two countries – Arabia and India. A small evergreen shrub from the olive family is traditionally grown indoors. Shiny elliptical leaves on thin stems look spectacular, while white, yellow and pink flowers are fragrant. However, caring for a plant is not easy.

Jasmine is a very beautiful and vibrant plant. Flowers are purple, red, white, orange. The perennial is propagated in the spring by layering and cuttings, which it is advisable to cover with glass during rooting. For these purposes, it is good to use woody shoots of jasmine with three internodes located at the ends of the branches. Once the plant is rooted, it must be transplanted into separate small pots. Water the jasmine with water at room temperature. Nitrogen and potash fertilizers are suitable as top dressing.

In winter, the flower rests, but this does not mean that it does not need Care at this time. If left unattended, the leaves will fade and may be infected by spider mites. Medical alcohol will help against parasites, with which it is good to spray the plant from a distance. Another special tool will do just fine.

If the flower is in the bedroom, it must be taken out at night to another place. Otherwise, you can provoke headache attacks from the smell. Jasmine loves light and is therefore best placed on the sunny side. It is in this case that he will bloom in large inflorescences. The room with jasmine must be ventilated at least once a day, while maintaining a high level of air humidity.

You need to buy a plant in trusted stores, this is the only way to get a guarantee that it is not infected with parasites, does not get sick and will bloom well. Initially, all information should be provided by the seller, since each jasmine variety has its own color and care features. You should not make a purchase during the flowering period. It is better when the plant is in a dormant period, so you can transplant it from peat into fertilized soil and expect new shoots from the already fertile soil.

Jasmine blooms for no more than 20 days, flowers can appear from March to November, then the inflorescences fall off and new shoots are formed. Organic and mineral fertilizers with trace elements help the plant to bloom more often, with proper care, this is possible all year round. Helps to strengthen the roots and relieve them of spoilage slurry. The fertilizer is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10; poultry manure diluted 1 in 20 can be used.

As a means for transplanting jasmine, a humus substrate with an acidity of pH about 6. It can be a mixture of leaf and coniferous soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 1 to 1

However, not all beneficial supplements can be applied immediately after planting. Those that contain minerals are allowed to be used after two years. As soon as the old jasmine grows strongly, its shoots must be launched along the trellis or tied to any suitable supports.

In early December, you need to shorten the long shoots of each flower by one third, and cut dry thin and underdeveloped branches inside the bush itself. This should be done regularly. It is also advisable to replant jasmine annually. There are difficulties in caring for jasmine. If you do not water the plant in a timely manner, the leaves will curl and fall off. In addition, during the flowering period, it is necessary to provide more intensive watering than usual. This will help to achieve the splendor of the inflorescences.

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