Even the freshest mushrooms, grown in ecologically clean beds and prepared in full compliance with technology, can lead to food poisoning. The reason is individual intolerance to mushroom trehalose.

Such a condition is not so rare. It can be compared with other types of food intolerance, such as milk lactose. And although such poisoning does not pose a threat to life, a protest action in the body is provided (cutting in the intestines, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes, etc.).

But, whatever the cause of the poisoning, with the least discomfort after eating a mushroom dish, especially prepared from forest mushrooms, experts advise immediately calling an ambulance. True, passively waiting for her arrival is not worth it. Remember: every minute counts. Therefore, drink as much salt water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate as possible, try to provoke vomiting. And after that, take activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight) or a spoonful of castor oil, put a warm heating pad on your legs and stomach.

Drink strong tea, milk, mucous decoctions from rice or oats. But alcohol in this state is categorically contraindicated, however, like sour food!

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