Individual education at the child’s school: program, translation, plan, form
In matters of age suitable for starting education, they look at the individual characteristics of the child’s development. If the child is already 7 years old, and he is not ready to sit at the desk, parents can choose for him individual training at school. There are two options for individual education – the first is based on medical indications, the second on the wishes of the family. There are differences between them.
Individual training according to medical indications
Let us consider the first option, when the decision on the need for individual education is made by the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. Doctors and psychologists who are part of it conduct a comprehensive examination and prepare recommendations for a sick child, determine how his further education at school will take place.
A sick child is transferred to individual training at school
There is a list of diseases for which homeschooling is recommended. For a child who can come to school, a special attendance schedule is drawn up or a referral is given to a correctional class.
Sends children to the commission of a school council, a medical institution, social protection, or brings parents. The medical report after the examination is advisory in nature, it is carried out at the school institution only with the consent of the parents. The school creates conditions for the sick child, which are recommended by the commission, in particular, individual training under a special program at home. The state pays for visits by a teacher to a student at home, and issues textbooks free of charge.
Individual education of the child at the initiative of the parents
If the baby is gifted and is ahead in development of peers or often travels to sports competitions, transferring him to individual training will be a suitable option. In this case, the parents will teach him on their own or hire tutors for money. To transfer to individual or family education, parents apply to the school. The head of the school informs them about the timing of the assessments included in the individual curriculum.
At school, a schedule is drawn up, and the teachers choose the form of control – dictation or control work in those subjects for which they are provided. Or there is an interview on the material covered, and the students are given grades.
Do not confuse individual education at school for medical reasons and at the request of the family. In the first case, the costs of the educational process are borne by the state, and in the second, this responsibility lies with the parents.