When a person realizes that there are no magic diet pills, and any restrictions on food drive into depression and always end in a breakdown, it becomes necessary to draw up an individual diet for weight loss. The advantages of such a system are in its uniqueness, because you develop it yourself, taking into account the daily routine, lifestyle, favorite and unloved products.
How to create an individual diet
Before making a diet, choosing foods and separating them for breakfast, lunch and dinner, some preparation is required. First, you need to decide on the goals that you want to achieve. Using online calculators, calculate the body mass index, calorie corridor, general recommendations for losing weight. The more information you can absorb, the more effective your individual diet will work.
Secondly, find out exactly how many kilograms you want to lose, roughly determine the time it will take. Take into account that in the first two months the body quickly gets rid of water, toxins and fat, so the process of losing weight will go quickly enough. In the future, the weight may go off more slowly, within a few days or weeks, the process may stop altogether (the so-called “plateau” or “step”).
Calculations are necessary, but don’t get too hung up on kilograms. What’s really important is health, wellness, a blooming look
Third, find a few resources on the Internet dedicated to weight loss. Find tables and calorie calculators that are comfortable for you. Install the appropriate programs on your smartphone and computer, print out the necessary information – in general, make sure that the necessary data is always at hand.
Fourthly, on any of the popular specialized sites, create your own weight loss diary and fill it out regularly. Some publicity in weight loss is very beneficial. On the one hand, this allows you not to break down, as there is a responsibility to the readers of your diary. On the other hand, visitors to your page can give advice, share experiences and recipes for delicious and healthy dishes, correct your mistakes in the menu, and compare results.
The main principle of an individual diet is to spend more calories than enters the body with food. An artificially created calorie deficit inevitably leads to weight loss, but should not harm your health. Every day, your diet should include proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Vitamins, macro- and microelements are also required.
During weight loss, it is recommended to regularly drink vitamins. It is desirable if it is a balanced multivitamin complex.
Proteins are the main source of energy for the body, a building material for cells. If you give up proteins, that is, meat, fish, poultry, you will soon feel tired, lethargic, and depressed. Fats in the diet of a losing weight person should not be saturated. And even more so, you should avoid trans fats, which are found in huge quantities in almost all ready-made products, from butter and yoghurts to stewed chicken breasts bought at the nearest supermarket. An excess of carbohydrates in the diet also leads to the appearance of excess weight, but you cannot completely do without them.
Your daily menu should include fruits and vegetables, as well as cereals, wholemeal bread
Simple carbohydrates such as sugar, sweets, sodas, and premium flour should be avoided. The amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates and their ratio in the daily diet can also be calculated using online calculators. All the rules for the selection of products have long been described. You just need to analyze the information and isolate what is right for you.
When drawing up an individual diet for weight loss, write down all the healthy foods on a piece of paper. Let the first column contain cereals, the second – vegetables and fruits, and the third – fish and meat. First write down whatever comes to mind, and then cross out what you don’t like. Some people categorically do not accept buckwheat, but they are not at all averse to replacing it with brown rice. Transfer the calorie and protein, fat and carbohydrate data into your spreadsheet. The final step in your personal diet is to combine the foods from all three columns correctly.
Breakfast must be hearty, as this is the main meal of the day.
It is breakfast that kicks off your digestive system after a night’s sleep. In the morning, you can eat porridge boiled in water, 1-2 boiled eggs, some kind of fruit or vegetable. Meat or fish are required for lunch. They can be baked, stewed, steamed (but not fried!). Buckwheat or rice can be used as a side dish. Vegetable salad will not be superfluous. It is imperative to have supper when losing weight, otherwise it will be difficult for you to fall asleep, and it will be almost impossible to cope with the craving for the contents of the refrigerator. The last meal should be at least 3, and preferably 4 hours before bedtime. For dinner, nutritionists recommend something light but voluminous. For example, vegetable or fruit salad.
In addition to the three main meals in the diet of losing weight, there should be 2-3 snacks. It can be fruits – sources of healthy carbohydrates and vitamins, freshly squeezed juices, dairy products in small quantities.
It is imperative to know what foods you can eat during your diet and what not.
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