Indigo children, who are they? Myths and legends of one of the most massive delusions

According to various sources, indigo children were first seriously talked about in the 70s and 80s of the last century. It is believed that the phenomenon itself attracted scientific attention much earlier than the actual term appeared. The author of indigo terminology was the American Nancy Ann Tepp, who called herself a clairvoyant. Why, you ask, is there so much skepticism about the author of Chromotherapy, who is quite recognized in pseudo-scientific circles? Because the very phenomenon of clairvoyance is still not recognized by academic science, in contrast, for example, to synesthesia, to the study of which Nancy also devoted a lot of time, achieving tangible results.

Indigo children, who are they? Myths and legends of one of the most massive delusions

Mood color blue

Here it is worth dwelling in more detail on the relationship between Ms. Tepp’s scientific interests and her spectacular comparisons. The thing is that the clairvoyant initially typified indigo children solely by the color of their aura. It is not difficult to guess that the young objects of observation «shone» exclusively in blue. What else, besides the unusual shade of the aura, distinguished the indigo children from their ordinary peers?

The phenomenon gained wild popularity in the 90s of the last century, and not by chance, because it was at that time that the world was literally swept by a wave of new age. A whole set of very different teachings, beliefs and theories made the most impressionable citizens look for mysticism even where it could not be. Everyone keenly longed for miracles and believed in the inexplicable, so no one had any doubts that the aura visible only to Madame Tepp was the very cherished key to sacred knowledge and a brighter future.

Indigo children, who are they? Myths and legends of one of the most massive delusions

Hyperactivity, autism spectrum disorders, schizotypal behavioral traits, attention deficit and other deviations of various kinds of neglect began to be evaluated as some unique features of the development of children. According to fans of the theory, in addition to non-standard behavior, «people of the future» should have had:

  • tall coefficient of development of intelligence;

  • creative composition of the mind;

  • developed intuition;

  • inclination to introversion and high level individualism;

  • complete rejection of standard authorities;

  • large range of interests and ability reach the maximum in any of the chosen directions;

  • large energy reserve and desire to spend it;

  • deviations from the norm in behavior and mood;

  • acute sense of justice and responsibility;

  • complete disregard for everything established, traditional and public;

  • fast adaptation to the constantly changing technological reality, especially regarding new digital technologies. 

Indigo children, who are they? Myths and legends of one of the most massive delusions

Is it worth believing in indigo children?

Let’s leave alone conspiracy theories, which in modern reality are much more numerous than sects at the turn of the century, and try to trust the logic … Have you noticed that some points of the standard set of unusual things that indigo children should have are quite noticeably contradicting each other? For example, hyperactivity and perseverance, allowing you to achieve academic success? Ignoring authorities and rules and at the same time, a heightened sense of responsibility and justice?

In general, one can admit that fact, but each era gives birth to its own geniuses and nuggets. However, all previous generations of outstanding people successfully realized themselves in their chosen directions. Thanks to this, we can contemplate the late works of Dali or enjoy the harmony of Einstein’s theories, admire the talents of Landau and Tesla, or marvel at the breadth of perception of Kuryokhin … All these geniuses were born and grew up, became adults and achieved success in their field, in fact, that’s why we know about them.

Even if we assume that indigo children really existed in the period from the late 70s to the early 00s … The question remains open: where do brilliant boys and girls with extraordinary, outstanding abilities disappear after they become adults? We will try to find the answer to this question in one of the following materials.  

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