Among the colors of the rainbow, there is one so special that it is barely visible, indigo. A bluish violet, very dense. In the colorful ark of the heavens, it is said to be the seventh …
This color therefore holds mystery, elegance and beauty, because you have to know how to discover it. Did you know that she also colors “souls”, not just any, those of certain children. It is therefore a privilege to be able to be provided with them because they are few in number. Indigo children… Let’s explore them!
Story of a look
Indigo children have been mentioned for more than fifty years and it was a look that discovered them the first time. In the sixties, in the United States, Nancy Ann Tappe, an enlightened therapist endowed with this capacity to “see” the color of the auras, a kind of colored resonance which surrounds the body of each person, realizes that some children radiate a bluish color tending towards purple.
She will call them indigo children. Why ? Because they are really different from the others.
How are Indigo children different?
This is the question you are asking yourself. It took many years, after specialists began to study them in terms of their particularities, for us to have a precise overview.
In terms of their number, unfortunately, no reliable statistics can determine it, we will say that they are rare but, therefore, quite recognizable. Indeed, almost all indigo children have similarities in their character and the way they approach life.

A strong need for accomplishment
Very young, indigo children have the feeling that they were not born by chance because they vaguely feel the need to accomplish a mission on earth, to fulfill a function.
And it is not easy because this feeling of being different from other children can isolate them and they feel a climate of loneliness, isolation.
This is why it is not uncommon for them, very young, to engage in altruistic causes, such as the fight against animal suffering or hunger in the world.
Indigo children: heightened sensitivity
This feeling of loneliness goes hand in hand with a very sensitive character. With regard to themselves, not supporting the remarks and the scolding of the parents, especially when they are not justified, but also for the others and the world around them.
They are not indifferent to seeing a beggar in the street or someone in pain. They do not understand and their natural empathy pushes them towards them, often under the incomprehension of those around them.
An expanded consciousness
You may have already met children telling you about their friends, invisible to you. Psychologists speak of imaginary friends, either created by the imagination of the child. For them, they are not, they are very real people (children or adults) with whom they engage in incredible conversations or games.
Of course, our natural rationality forbids thinking of anything other than an infantile whim, but if it was something else.
This is why we must evoke the hypothesis that they are endowed with extra-sensory powers, a kind of innate mediumship.
Sometimes, they evoke the presence at their side of a grandmother whom they could not know because deceased for a long time.
Others will tell you dreams, sometimes traumatic for them, which will turn out to be premonitory. It can also be visions of which they do not fully understand the meaning but which, like true seers, are predictive.
In short, you will understand, these events showing in them an enlarged consciousness, with real extra-sensory powers, are legion in indigo children.

Loneliness, their friend
It is clear that the behavior of indigo children can seem bizarre to those around them, both at school and at home. They will therefore tend to prefer solitude.
It does not bother them, on the contrary, they feel good there because it defines their universe, finding new resources there with the feeling of being connected to the universe.
This corollary to this need for solitude is that they can be seen as rebellious when it is only a need for isolation and independence from time to time.
Gifted children
This is one of their most significant characteristics, their fine intelligence associated with an excellent memory, which gives them great precocity. From an early age, they are able to read and count.
When they are of school age, their learning surpasses that of other students. However, they do not necessarily figure in the leading pack of the best because, often, boredom takes them in class and, concerning them, school dropouts are not uncommon.

Indigo children, lovers of love
Of course, all children need the security and love of their parents to grow up, but indigo children are governed by affect, without necessarily expressing it constantly.
. Love, with a constant need for new knowledge, is their energy. It is natural, is expressed through tender gestures, constant attention towards others and they can suffer more than others if they do not feel the tenderness of those around them.
They are ruled, programmed by the evidence of unconditional love.
Indigo children, a chance?
This is a question you can ask yourself. Is it a chance or a difficulty of duty, if you are parents or if in your family, in your entourage, you are in relation with an indigo child …
First of all, you will have to recognize it because not everyone has the capacity to feel their aura, but the characteristics of indigo children specified above, will allow you to understand that this child is very different from the others.
In addition, you must know that you will have to be in listening, in a permanent attention to accompany him, not to force him to a return in a kind of normality, even if you can be confused by his extraordinary capacities, his mediumistic or clairvoyance gifts.
Is it a chance, yes of course because his role as a little prophet, his innate wisdom will be able to make you understand what reality is, human nature, feet on the ground but consciousness in the stars.