Indian sea rice: properties, recipe. Video
Most of the diet of a modern person is “dead” foods. At the same time, the living are naturally considered more useful. Therefore, fermented milk products with live bacteria are very popular. Another modern product that is steadily climbing to the top of the healthy food rating is Indian sea rice.
Indian sea rice: properties, recipe
Indian marine rice is a microorganism brought to Russia from India. This product acquired an interesting name because of its original shape, which resembles grains of boiled rice. Usually, a healing drink is made from this rice, which helps to put the body in order: it stabilizes weight, normalizes metabolism, regulates blood pressure, treats headaches, relieves fatigue, increases efficiency and improves well-being. And also sea rice cleanses the body of salts, relieves the condition of a person with arthrosis and rheumatism. The only difficulty is that not everyone knows how to cook it properly.
To make an infusion of Indian sea rice, you will need:
Experts say that the taste of the infusion will turn out to be more interesting and noble if brown cane sugar is used for its preparation.
– 9-10 Art. l. rice; – 10–20 pcs. raisins (instead of raisins, you can take any dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes, figs, etc.); – 2-3 liters of water; – sugar – 2-3 tbsp. l. for every liter of water.
The water should be warm and always unboiled (but filtered!). If the water is hot, you simply cook rice (by the way, it also has a second name – mushroom). Dissolve sugar in water and pour this solution over rice. Cover the jar with gauze and leave to infuse for 2-3 days. The place where you put the mushroom must be protected from direct sunlight.
Try to dissolve the sugar well. If there are still grains, pour the mushroom so that the sugar does not get on it. After all, this can lead to his death and illness.
After three days, strain the infusion through cheesecloth (alternatively, you can use a non-metallic sieve). Rinse the rice itself under running clean water, discard the dried fruits. Pour the sugar solution over the rice again, add fresh dried fruits and leave to infuse again. If you want the infusion to have a pleasant brown color, put a few dried croutons in the jar.
The rice infusion that you have already drained should be stored in the refrigerator for about 2-4 days. When placing food for the next serving, remember that rice multiplies well at temperatures above 20 degrees. If you insist and keep during the infusion at a temperature of 18-20 degrees, it will not multiply. And at 16-18 degrees, he will die altogether.
Excess rice should be stored in a glass jar, covered with gauze. This will protect the product from dust, as well as various insects that can cause irreparable damage to the condition of the rice. If you store rice correctly, it will be easy to make a healing broth.
How to Eat Indian Sea Rice
Experts recommend taking infusion of rice in portions of 100-150 ml three times a day before meals, about 10 minutes in advance. The course of treatment is about a year. True, they say that the first changes are felt after three weeks. The use of a healing drink is also allowed in between meals.
Even small children can drink infusion of sea rice, however, it is still better to additionally consult a pediatrician. When taking, strictly follow the desires of your body. So, for example, if the time has come to take the next portion, but there is no desire, it means that the already taken dose is enough for the body. You cannot drink this mushroom through force.
Very often, at the beginning of eating rice, an active diuretic effect of this drug is noted. Therefore, experts recommend limiting yourself to small doses in the first days and moving to the optimal dosage after a week.
Contraindications to taking sea rice
You should not use sea rice infusion for people with insulin-dependent diabetes. In addition, this product should be used with caution for those who have respiratory problems. Such people may have discomfort in the lungs. However, if you take the drink wisely, after a couple of days, these sensations will disappear.
Often, people who start taking sea rice begin to worry about the restructuring of the body. Experts say: this is quite normal and means that the drug has started its work. To reduce unpleasant moments and symptoms, you can slightly reduce the dosage, bringing it later to the desired level.
Sea rice – a means for weight loss
Very often, an infusion of Indian sea rice is used as a means to lose weight. It is believed that such a mushroom is the most useful and natural product for weight loss. This is due to the fact that it contains the enzyme lipase, which corresponds to what is in the human body. It is he who is responsible for the breakdown of fats that enter the body with food. Due to the use of sea mushroom, lipase in the body becomes more, and it begins to break down not only those fats that have entered the body with food, but also those that have long been deposited.
Due to the fact that sea rice normalizes metabolism, all processes in the body are improved. The skin and blood vessels are more oxygenated and everything starts to happen much faster. As a result, a woman gets stable blood pressure, normal sleep, ideal weight and healthy, beautiful skin. To achieve the ideal, you just need to take 200 ml of infusion 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
And, of course, to achieve an ideal result, it is worth including physical exercises.