Increased tooth sensitivity
Do you have tooth sensitivity that prevents you from drinking hot tea and enjoying the taste of ice cream? It’s time to find out the reasons, deal with the problem and feel the taste of life again!
Increased tooth sensitivity
Excessive sensitivity of teeth in medical reference books is called hyperesthesia. It is believed that there is nothing wrong with it, but if only this is a property of character, and not of tooth enamel.
What exactly hurts
The pain with hyperesthesia of the tooth enamel is short, no longer than 30 seconds, but at the same time stinging and sharp, like a dagger strike. If the pain persists for some time after treatment with the dentist, the cause is mild inflammation of the pulp, which usually disappears after a few weeks.
Please note: this may be a signal of a serious inflammatory process in the tooth. Signs for which you must definitely consult a doctor:
pain after eating cold or hot food or drinks remains for a long time;
hypersensitivity is concentrated in the area of only one tooth;
using a special toothpaste for 2 weeks does not give results.
If more than a quarter of all teeth have excessive sensitivity, they speak of generalized hyperesthesia, if less, we are talking about a localized form. But in order to know exactly how to treat, it is necessary to identify the cause.
One of the reasons for excessive tooth sensitivity is the love of carbonated drinks.
1. Dentin without protection
The problem is dentin – the loose layer of the tooth that protects the enamel. If the “armor” is thinned or destroyed, the dentin remains defenseless, and from this moment problems can begin. The fact is that inside the dentin there are thin microtubules, along which nerve endings pass. While these tubes are closed, the teeth are in relative order (even if there are defects in the enamel, nothing hurts). But when the dentinal tubules open, exposing the nerve endings, then in response to any stimulus, a sharp piercing pain occurs.
2. Nerves are naughty
Nervous and endocrine diseases, and some hormonal conditions that affect mineral metabolism in the body (menopause, pregnancy) can also make teeth too sensitive. Therefore, before starting dental treatment, visit an endocrinologist and determine your overall health. Indeed, formulations containing fluorides, which are used to combat hyperesthesia, especially in high concentrations, can lead to hypofunction of the thyroid gland if the state of this organ was not normal.
3. Dental problems
Tooth sensitivity can be caused by various dental problems: caries, enamel erosion and cracks, wedge-shaped defects, bruxism (teeth grinding in a dream) or possible gum atrophy, as a result of which their neck is exposed. Periodontitis and even bite features can also be the culprits of problems.
4. Harmful soda
Sometimes the culprit is our excessive love of acidic foods and carbonated drinks that destroy tooth enamel, the habit of eating very cold and hot food, and improper oral hygiene. Moreover, the enamel can suffer not only from irregular care, but also from excessive zeal when brushing your teeth.
Enamel can suffer not only from irregular grooming, but also from excessive diligence when brushing your teeth.
Take action
As a preventive measure, use brushes with soft bristles, and a paste with a low percentage of abrasive substances, preferably a special one for sensitive teeth, for example, “Sensodin”, “Lakalut” or “Rembrandt.
When cleaning, the movements should be smooth, vertical, not horizontal. It is better to start not with the incisors, but with the distal teeth.
Avoid procedures that are risky for sensitive teeth. For example, chemical and mechanical whitening is contraindicated for you – it is better to resort to ultrasonic.
Fluoridated mouthwashes are helpful, but must be prescribed by a doctor as they cannot be used all the time.
Hyperesthesia treatment
Dentists in these cases use special varnishes, with the help of which micropores in tooth enamel and empty spaces in dentinal tubules are closed, or remineralizing preparations (usually containing fluoride). Thanks to them, the threshold of excitability of nerve fibers increases, and the hard tissues of the teeth are saturated with the missing calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
Further, the patient continues independent treatment, for this there are special mouth guards for home use, in which desensitizing substances are placed.