Increased sugar during pregnancy: what is the rate of sugar in the blood
High blood sugar during pregnancy is an unpleasant but controllable medical condition. However, if the sugar level constantly rises after a meal in a pregnant woman, this is a symptom of the development of gestational or manifest diabetes.
High sugar in pregnant women: causes
During the period of gestation, the load on the pancreas increases, which, because of this, begins to more actively produce glucose. Against this background, a woman with a predisposition to the disease may develop gestational diabetes mellitus – GDM – or, as it is also called, defective diabetes.
High sugar levels during pregnancy can be controlled independently
The risk of developing diabetes is increased in women:
- with a hereditary predisposition;
- with the first pregnancy after 30 years;
- being overweight;
- with polycystic ovary syndrome;
- who had gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy.
Gestational diabetes occurs in 2-3% of pregnant women. But in some cases, a woman gets sick earlier, and pregnancy becomes a kind of catalyst for the disease.
What to do if sugar is high during pregnancy?
When gestational diabetes is detected, a woman should try to maintain her sugar levels within the normal range on her own. The attending physician will prescribe a special diet, diet and physical activity.
Among the main recommendations:
- the introduction of fractional nutrition;
- exclusion of simple carbohydrates from the diet;
- reduction in the amount of complex carbohydrates in the diet;
- moderate physical activity;
- measuring sugar levels with a glucometer one hour after meals 4-5 times a day.
With the help of a doctor, you should also calculate the daily calorie intake and adhere to this scheme.
If blood sugar levels have not returned to normal
If, after observing all the rules, the blood sugar rate during pregnancy is 3,3–6,6 mmol / l. – did not recover, the doctor prescribes insulin for the woman. This substance is safe for the mother and fetus, but when taking it, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations of doctors.
Pregnant women should not resort to diabetes pills
Due to the fact that due to the increased glucose in the mother’s body, the fetus can develop large, women with gestational diabetes often need to have an ultrasound scan in order to predict the need for a cesarean. Intravenous insulin may also be given during labor.
Although most women return to normal blood sugar after childbirth, it is helpful to monitor your blood sugar periodically.