Immunity in medical terminology means a natural barrier that protects the body from disease, germs and bacteria. In autumn, many are overcome by colds, in winter the flu is raging, spring is the time of vitamin deficiency. That is why the fight to increase immunity is relevant at any time of the year.
Increased immunity in a child
Children get sick quite often. The most favorable time for increasing immunity in a child is summer. During this period, health can be improved without using drugs. In folk medicine, a lot of useful tips and tricks are in store.
Methods for enhancing immunity in a child are quite diverse. It should be borne in mind that regular walks in the fresh air, physical activity, adherence to the daily regimen, and a balanced diet will only strengthen your efforts.
To increase immunity, the following foods should be included in the child’s diet:
- citrus
- squash and squash
- olive oil
- pumpkin
- Pine nuts
- salmon
- kiwi and strawberries
- dairy
- broccoli and carrots
Saturated fatty acids are also important for a healthy body.
They are usually found in seafood and fish. It should be borne in mind that heat treatment destroys them.
Today, there are a variety of drugs. With their help, you can also increase the immunity of both a child and a teenager. Based on the state of health, they are prescribed by the attending physician. These drugs include immunotropic drugs, among which there are more than 200 types of immunomodulators.
An equally effective method to strengthen the immune defense is to vaccinate the child. Influenza and hepatitis vaccines are especially relevant.
After vaccination, the body begins to produce the necessary antibodies on its own.
To increase the child’s immunity, you can also take a special course of vitamins. In this case, you should consult a doctor, since there is a very large selection of various complexes on store shelves.
Among the natural remedies that can help improve the health of a child, various herbs can be noted (yarrow, celandine, red clover, St. John’s wort, licorice, garlic, ginseng, etc.). In this case, before use, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the purpose and contraindications.
Often, the use of herbal infusions leads to addiction or allergic reactions
The homeopathic way to increase immunity has been gaining momentum lately. Especially when it comes to the health of children. Such drugs can be prescribed by a homeopathic doctor. Before that, he will conduct a thorough diagnosis of your child’s health.