Increased fatigue during pregnancy: causes, remedies
Fatigue during pregnancy is not uncommon. Feelings of physical weakness and helplessness are often accompanied by mild dizziness and a desire to sleep 24 hours a day. You should not worry about this ahead of time, because the slight malaise that pregnant women experience has quite natural reasons.
Fatigue during pregnancy: causes
Fatigue during pregnancy is common
When a pregnant woman feels drowsy or dizzy, but her blood pressure and temperature are within the normal range, there is no cause for concern. From the moment the child is conceived, a number of changes take place in the body of the expectant mother:
- emotional instability increases;
- the cardiovascular system begins to work in a mode of increased stress;
- the hormonal background is rapidly changing.
All these processes require additional energy costs. Plus, women, being in a position, continue to work in the same rhythm as before pregnancy. Hence the periodic feeling of anxiety and physical weakness. The body thus gives signals that the expectant mother needs a good rest.
Fatigue during pregnancy: how to deal with it?
Reducing the workload and putting the schedule of the day in order is the only way out of the situation. The expectant mother should understand that for the next 9 months, part of the work, social and family responsibilities will have to be delegated or completely abandoned. Try the following remedies for chronic fatigue:
- sleep every night for at least 8-9 hours;
- an hour before bedtime, turn off the TV, computer and put your smartphone away – it is better to read a book, magazine or chat with loved ones;
- walk for at least 20-30 minutes every day, and ventilate the bedroom before going to bed;
- during the day, do not forget to eat a balanced diet, preferably at certain hours;
- Don’t go to bed hungry: snack on a turkey sandwich, a glass of yogurt, or any other light meal.
- find a comfortable sleeping position;
- Give your muscles some light physical activity several times a week.
If, even after normalizing your daily routine, fatigue persists, see your doctor. In some cases, pregnant women experience a sharp decrease in hemoglobin, to increase which will have to go to a special diet and drink a course of vitamins.