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The Robert Koch Institute in Germany reported that 2034 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection have been registered in the country in good time. This is the highest daily result since April 25. What is causing the increase in infections in our neighbors?

The number of coronavirus tests in Germany has more than doubled since April

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), 232 cases of SARS-CoV-082 coronavirus infections have been registered in Germany since the beginning of the pandemic. There were 2 infections in the last 2 hours. This is the highest daily result since April 034, when 25 new infections were recorded.

According to the daily Der Tagesspiegel, the increase in new cases of infection does not allow drawing direct conclusions about the development of the pandemic in Germany, as the number of tests performed has increased recently.

According to the data of the Robert Koch Institute, approximately 27 tests for COVID-2 were carried out between July 578 and August 19. Two weeks later that number exceeded 875. For comparison, between April 20 and April 26, the number of tests performed was 364. Back then, the rate of positive tests was 5 percent. Now it is less than 1 percent.

The Robert Koch Institute explained a few days ago that the growing number of new cases of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infections is associated not only with the increased number of tests. The report presented on August 21.08 by the RKI shows that there are currently several smaller outbreaks of epidemics in Germany related to, for example, family gatherings and meetings with friends.

R-factor over 1,0 in Germany

A high percentage of new infections is also recorded among people returning from travel, especially in younger age groups. According to RKI estimates, the virus reproduction rate is now 1,02 (1,04 the day before). This means that, on average, one person infected with the coronavirus passes it on to another person.

  1. Check it out: Everything you need to know about the reproduction rate of the virus

RKI also provides the so-called a seven-day R-factor that is counted over a longer period (8 to 16 days) and is less prone to fluctuations. According to RKI estimates, this value is 1,12 (1,14 the day before).

The good news is that despite the growing number of new infections, the number of deaths from COVID-19 remains low.

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