Incorrectly performed cytology

I had cervical conization after I was accidentally diagnosed with cervical cancer during a myoma operation last year. For many years I have been doing cytology regularly.

The doctor took a swab with a spatula and after a few days I got the result. For several years, I have invariably had group II. How is it possible that I did have cancer after all?

Regular cytology is not enough. Both the tools with which the swab is taken and the laboratories in which the samples are assessed are very important. You can correctly take a swab only with a special brush, which allows you not only to collect cells from the cervical disc, but also from a more difficult to access canal. If your cytology was taken with a spatula, the result could be satisfactory, and a neoplasm could develop deep inside the cervical canal. Fortunately, in your case, it was possible to detect the disease at an early stage and perform a minimally invasive treatment procedure. In the future, please pay attention to what tool the swab is taken with and whether it is assessed by a reputable laboratory. Preferably, the one that assesses many thousands of swabs each year.

How often do you have a Pap smear – check if it’s not too rare?

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Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Stelmachów, National Consultant in the field of Oncological Gynecology

—Nowatabela 1 | 1 ||| r ||||||| Polish Coalition against Cervical Cancer has developed a comprehensive project of preventive measures. The introduction of the proposed solutions will make it possible to significantly reduce the dramatically high number of deaths due to cervical cancer in Poland.

Each vote of support will increase the chances of a serious social discussion on this topic. Support the RSM Coalition. Accelerate the changes. |—

No Polish woman has to die of cervical cancer!

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