In Volgograd ARVI: how to protect yourself from colds
In the first days of October, pharmacies exceeded sales targets for cough and cold medicine. The number of coughing and sneezing increases exponentially every day.
And if we still somehow hold on, then our colleagues in the workshop have already caught colds, flu and other viral infections in their nets. But they stubbornly do not want to lie down at home, and, having swallowed medicines, wander from their last strength to work in order to finish urgent matters and recruit new adepts to their camp of “cold”. How to protect yourself from the consequences of such recklessness of colleagues? Use our instructions!
If possible, avoid contact with sick colleagues or keep at least 70 cm from them. Remember, viral infections are transmitted by airborne droplets when talking, sneezing and coughing.
Soap and water are best friends
Wash your hands as often as possible, soaping them in circular motions for at least 15-20 seconds. Do this before eating, after handling money, going to the toilet, and coming from the street. And on your desk, be sure to keep a package of wet disposable wipes.
British specialists in the field of virology have proven that the most contaminated items in the office are fax, telephone, computer keyboard and mouse. To protect yourself from microbial attack, dust your workplace with a special damp cloth several times a day.
Try to keep the lining of your nose always moist. This will protect your body from various viruses and microbes entering it. Use special sprays for this, drink more water and make sure that the air in the room is not dry. Systematic ventilation will help drive out pathogenic bacteria from the office, and a bottle of still drinking water will saturate the body with the necessary amount of fluid.
Take vitamin D. Research has shown that it boosts immunity and helps the body fight off infectious diseases. You can find it in fish oil. During an epidemic of colds, an adult needs to take at least 2 g of vitamin per day. Don’t forget the importance of foods that also contain vitamin C. Keep your fridge with greens, fruits and citrus fruits. Horseradish, ginger root, raw onions and garlic are essential preventive measures in such a dangerous season for health. Their use significantly shortens the period of illness and alleviates the condition of the “suffering person” thanks to the phytoncides contained in them, which kill most of the disease-causing viral infections. If you are not an adherent of traditional medicine, then take additional vitamin and mineral complexes, in a large assortment presented in pharmacies. A prerequisite is the presence of selenium and zinc in their composition, since it is they that increase the protective functions of the body.
The right mode is the right choice
Insomnia and constant sleep deprivation are detrimental to your health. Healthy sleep should last at least 8 hours. During sleep, immune cells become more active and better than ever at fighting infections in the body. Do not skip breakfast under any circumstances, as it provides the body with the necessary nutrients, energizing you for the whole day.
If you still carry a pack of cigarettes in your purse and run on smoke breaks, then it’s time to quit smoking. It has been scientifically proven that nicotine, by increasing the level of stress in the body, leads to a decrease in immunity, which is why smokers are more likely to suffer from the flu and other viral diseases. Take a look at exercise. Let it not be exercise habitual since childhood, but Sunday skating on a skating rink or skiing in a fun company.
High spirits, kind thoughts, smiles and laughter are a great blocker for colds. Do not allow yourself to be sad and fall into an apathetic state, so you send a signal to the outside world about your fatigue and indifference to everything that happens and become an easy prey for pathogens. Positive thinking and friendly relations with others are the guarantor of well-being.
But if you are still unlucky and one morning you woke up with a headache, a sore throat and a stuffy nose, do not despair, but take sick leave and be treated at home, so as not to pass the baton to your colleagues. And here are some simple and delicious recipes from us.
Brew a teaspoon of green tea with half a liter of water. Strain it and add a pod of cardamom, a couple of mint leaves, a pinch of cinnamon, and a small piece of fresh ginger root. Place this mixture on the stove, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Without removing from heat, add a tablespoon of honey and half a lemon. After boiling the drink for another five minutes, strain and cool it. It is necessary to drink the prepared elixir during the day.
You will need dry berries. Pour five tablespoons of berries with a liter of cold water and put on fire. The solution must be boiled for 10 minutes, and then, wrapped, insist 8-10 hours. The filtered solution must be drunk every two to three hours, adding honey, jam or sugar.