In vitro funding – a chance for motherhood
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Many couples suffer from infertility problems. Months of efforts and the burden of waiting exhaust both mentally and financially. Couples who want to undergo treatment in a dedicated clinic can take advantage of the “Communal infertility treatment program using in vitro fertilization”, receiving funding for an IVF procedure. The residents of Krakow may decide to participate in the program.

Treatment in a professional medical center

Infertility treatment is a stressful procedure that couples experience when trying to conceive. The in vitro procedure should be performed in a professional medical center, equipped with specialized diagnostic and therapeutic facilities, and in which you can obtain the support of a qualified team of doctors and specialists.

Klinika Medistica Gynecology + Fertility meets all the requirements of the implementer of the communal infertility treatment program. Couples who decide to undergo treatment in this place can count on IVF funding in Krakow and get a chance for a happy motherhood.

Funding criteria

Couples who meet the following criteria will be qualified to the program:

  1. residents of Krakow
  2. women aged 20 to 42 (year of birth decides)
  3. people who meet the conditions predisposing to start in vitro fertilization therapy
  4. people who will cover the cost of storing cryopreserved embryos on their own, as well as cryotransfer and cryopreservation of female germ cells (oocytes)

The grant amount is PLN 5000 in the case of in vitro fertilization or PLN 2500 in the case of the embryo adoption procedure. Couples can also count on a professional embryological and psychological consultation, a package of additional procedures as part of the in vitro fertilization program, as well as a free Beta HCG test.

How to get a grant?

The condition for participation in the “Communal infertility treatment program by in vitro fertilization” is the correct completion of the application on the website of the Medistica Gynecology + Fertility clinic. The order of applications is decisive for qualification. The factors that exclude you from participating in the program are:

  1. as part of a partner donation:
  2. recurrent loss of pregnancy (at least 3 documented miscarriages)
  3. risk of lack of proper response to ovulation stimulation (FSH above mU / mL) or inadequate response to properly conducted stimulation
  4. as part of the donation of male reproductive cells:
  5. uterine defects that make it impossible to report a pregnancy
  6. no uterus
  7. lack of proper response to ovulation stimulation or inadequate response to properly conducted stimulation
  8. negative opinion of the consulting team
  9. as part of the donation of female reproductive cells or for the embryo adoption procedure:
  10. no uterus
  11. defects that make it impossible to report pregnancy
  12. negative opinion of the consulting team

The program is the result of the civic budget that was adopted by Krakow councilors. It is estimated that about 200 infertile couples will benefit from the funding. The deadline for submitting applications to participate in the program starts on May 11, 2022. The amount allocated to support couples struggling with infertility is PLN 1 million.

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