In these countries, you can see that COVID-19 is back now. What about vacation?
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Another wave of coronavirus has begun. What was supposed to happen in the fall is happening now. In some European countries, the daily number of infections again exceeds 100. In Poland, the increase was 75 percent from week to week. And these are only official data.

  1. COVID-19 cases are growing in over 100 countries around the world.
  2. The whole of Europe, including holiday destinations, is slowly beginning to experience the next wave of the pandemic
  3. The incidence is also starting to grow dynamically in Poland. The R index for our country is currently over 1,5. This shows that we are on an upward wave
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

The coronavirus is dangerous again. WHO warns

Coronavirus on the attack again. There is an increase in infections all over the world. The World Health Organization reported that the number of COVID-19 sufferers is rising in 110 countries, and in the past week the number of cases has increased by 18%.

WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned that the pandemic is not over yet and that the world’s ability to track the evolution of the virus is “at risk” as countries have lifted or loosened restrictions. He added that this could make it difficult to catch potentially dangerous new variants.

The number of deaths from COVID-19 has changed slightly compared to the previous week, with increases primarily in three regions: the Middle East, Southeast Asia and the Americas. In the Middle East, infections are growing the fastest, with every week the number of new infections increased by 47%.

In Europe and Southeast Asia, growth was 32%, and in the Americas by 14%. UK data also show that coronavirus hospital admissions are increasing in the oldest age groups.

Globally, over 4,1 million COVID-19 cases were reported last week, most of them Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 sub-variants.

Ghebreyesus recalled at the same time that hundreds of millions of people around the world still had no dose of the vaccine. A total of 12 billion doses were administered, but the average vaccination coverage rate in poorer countries is only 13%.

Holidays in the shadow of the coronavirus?

Coronavirus is coming back to Europe. Experts predicted that the next wave would be inevitable, but would rather come in the fall. However, the reality was ahead of forecasts. The numbers of infections in Western European countries are beginning to approach those seen at the peak of the fourth or Friday wave.

In France and Germany, the bars showing daily infections have already exceeded 100, in Italy this limit will be exceeded in the coming days.

The incidence – expressed in absolute numbers – is growing in many other countries of our continent, although much more slowly. This also applies to the most popular holiday destinations – Turkey, Greece, Spain, Bulgaria and Italy.

The R index, or the reproductive rate of the virus, is one of the most reliable methods of assessing the epidemiological situation. It tells how many more people can be infected by one person suffering from coronavirus. A value greater than 1 indicates that the epidemic is rising.

In almost all European countries, the value exceeded 1. The highest is currently in Albania (1,8), the value of at least 1,5 can also be found in Iceland, Belgium, Montenegro, Spain, Austria and Malta.

In Poland, the R index is growing faster and faster. A week ago it was around 1,1, now it has exceeded 1,5.

How does it look in Poland?

In Poland, on June 28, the daily number of COVID-19 cases was 696. This is the highest number since May 10. The week now clearly shows that the numbers of infections are rising faster and faster. From Saturday, June 25 to Friday, July 1, there were a total of 3. 2 cases. In the previous such period, we had 1 thousand. 719 infections.

This means an increase by 1 thousand. 283 cases, i.e. by almost 75 percent.

The above figures only talk about official cases, that is results of tests performed only in a hospital or primary health care. Only such items will go to the central base, and such information is reported by the Ministry of Health. Nobody knows how many infections are detected at home or diagnosed by a doctor, but not reported (there is no such obligation).

Have you been infected with COVID-19? Be sure to check your health. The Healing Blood Test Pack, available on Medonet Market, can help you with this. You can also make them at home.

Unofficially, there is talk of an increasing number of cases in companies, and infections are once again catching entire families. It can be safely assumed that the actual scale of infections is several times, even ten times higher than the official statistics.

The R indicator, which we wrote about in the previous paragraph, clearly exceeded the value of 1 in each voivodship. Even at the beginning of the week in some regions of the country it was below 1, now the situation is getting more and more dramatic almost everywhere.

It is especially high in the province. Lubuskie and Zachodniopomorskie (there it is approaching 2), as well as in Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Pomorskie, Dolnośląskie and Mazowieckie.

Such data is shown on Twitter, among others Adam Gapiński, based on the statistics of the Ministry of Health

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time our guest is Marek Rybiec – businessman, as one of 78 people from all over the world, he completed «4 Deserts» – ultramarathon taking place in extreme places around the world. She talks to Aleksandra Brzozowska about the challenge, mental strength and mindfulness training. Listen!

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