A record number of almost 62 thousand. children was born in the USA in 2012 through artificial insemination. In the USA, IVF accounts for more than 1,5 percent. the birth of children. This is more than in previous years, reports Reuters.
The statistics were presented by the American Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology, which associates 379 clinics (they constitute 90% of all American centers using the in vitro fertilization method).
They show that in 2012 over 165 artificial insemination treatments, which resulted in the birth of 61 740 thousand. kids. This is the most since Luiza Brown was born after assisted reproductive surgery in 1978. In 2011, 2 thousand people were born in the United States thanks to IVF. fewer children than in 2012
Miriam Zoll, author of the book Cracked Open: Liberty, Fertility and the Pursuit of High Tech Babies, published in 2013, claims that the increase in IVF treatments is mainly due to the fact that women decide to have a child later and later. In the USA, since 1970, the average age of women giving birth to their first child increased from 21,4 to 26 years.
It is similar also in Poland. According to the president of the “Nasz storkian” Association, Anna Krawczyk, Polish women decide to have children later and later, which results in greater problems with getting pregnant. Urban women give birth to children at the average age of 29,1 years, while a little earlier they become mothers of a village inhabitant – at the age of 28,4 years.
This is worrying because female fertility declines with age. Zoll warns that women over 35 have the greatest difficulties with getting pregnant. After crossing this age threshold, even assisted reproductive methods do not always help to obtain offspring.
Women in their forties are in the most difficult situation. Those who are 42 years old are ten times less likely to become pregnant after IVF than women under 35, according to a report by the American Society of Assisted Reproductive Techniques.
The data presented in 2012 at the congress of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Istanbul show that over 5 million children have been born worldwide thanks to IVF. Every year, 1,5 million such procedures are performed, thanks to which about 350 are born. kids. (PAP)