In the spring you need to launch a boat and weave a wreath of dandelions

In the spring you need to launch a boat and weave a wreath of dandelions

The best time of the year is spring. The sun is the most affectionate and the grass is the most velvety. What is not a reason to unite with the child and do things?

Start a bright diary. Three spring months will fly by unnoticed, but you have to catch a lot. And you can’t put it off for a long time, because the next spring will be only in a year. Perhaps your child will see or try something for the first time and you cannot miss this event in any way, so take the most beautiful diary and plan spring miracles together.

Embark on a “sea” adventure. If the snow has melted long ago, and you have not sent your paper boat on your first round the world trip, it doesn’t matter, rivers, lakes and rivers are perfect for this. Make boats, sailboats, boats with the whole family, sign and boldly launch them.

Everything is in nature! The most beautiful sky in spring. It seems to come to life with the first warm rays of the sun. Be sure to catch this moment. Organize a picnic in the park, and after playing together, lie down on a blanket and immerse yourself in the beauty of the sky, “dance” with the clouds, dream up, looking at them: here the dragon spread its wings and flies, but the bunny is hiding behind a bush, and here is “ I”. If you guessed to take with you paints, pencils and a sheet of paper, then by transferring heavenly pictures to it, you will get 100% a masterpiece landscape.

Arrange a solar bombardment. Now is the time to start making friends with the sun, it is gentle and still warms without burning, so it’s time to play sun bunnies. Take a mirror and shoot rays to your health.

Weave a beautiful wreath. May is the time of the first flowers. Collect dandelions and weave beautiful wreaths to each other, this is how our ancestors greeted the arrival of spring.

Paint the asphalt the color of your mood. Be sure to buy many, many multi-colored crayons with your child – children simply adore them! Draw whatever comes to mind: cityscapes, mom, friends. Take a picture of the resulting masterpieces as a keepsake and place them in the album.

But this is the most important thing.

Organize your home garden. The most magical thing that happens in spring is the birth of a new life, when buds appear on bare branches, and leaves and flowers bloom from them. And at once everything around is transformed, wakes up, comes to life, begins to live. Conduct an exciting experiment with your child: find a broken twig, bring it home, put it in a vase – let spring come into your home too! Do not dwell on this, set up a garden or vegetable garden on the balcony, sow herbs, lettuce, radishes or flowers. It will be so beautiful when it all comes up.

Fly a kite into the sky. What could be more fun than racing with a warm spring breeze, tightly gripping a rope with a fluttering kite! Allow yourself to return to childhood, let May sing in your soul too.

Have fun starts. And you can also draw classics and arrange competitions with the children from the courtyard or master roller skates, a skateboard, a gyro scooter. It’s so nice to take a ride with your child around your beloved city holding hands.

Things that can be done with a child, and the whole family, there is darkness, there would be desire and imagination. You can arrange:

– a tournament for the biggest soap bubble, let them sail through puddles and travel across the sky;

– battle of water pistols for the prize for the wettest jersey;

– a funny photo session, which is possible only in a spring setting;

– the game “Find the treasure” at the summer cottage, provided that it can be found only by digging everything around;

– day of hugs, kisses and compliments.

Spring can do a lot, let’s keep up!

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