Margarita Simonyan was truly transformed after the third birth. Mediadiva does not hide that the reason for this was a special diet. She personally developed his scheme and, without unnecessary burdens and remorse, enjoys the results.
1 086 489March 24 2021
Маргарита Симоньян</p>» data-v-16fc2d4a=»» height=»600″ loading=»lazy» src=»» width=»480″>
Margarita Simonyan
Today Margarita Simonyan receives as many compliments as never before. The 40-year-old journalist has always emphasized that she doesn’t care much about external beauty. Therefore, she almost does not use cosmetics, rarely does styling, and even more so does not disappear in the gym.
However, after the birth of her third child, Simonyan realized that she would still have to endure the struggle with being overweight. At least to improve health.
As a result, Margarita lost more than 20 kilograms in a fairly short time!
At the beginning of her journey to her target weight, the celebrity tried standard diets and gym exercises. But soon Simonyan realized that such principles categorically did not suit her – she almost did not sit on maternity leave and immediately left to run the media company. And with such stressful activities, it is difficult to find time to comply with strict rules.
Then a mother with many children discovered intermittent fasting. And it was it that helped her so quickly return to its former form. And become even slimmer than before pregnancy.
Margarita shared with her followers in detail everything that she prefers to eat on her “diet”. So, usually she has a very hearty breakfast and indulges herself with absolutely everything that her soul desires. Simonyan makes the second meal more balanced – usually meat and vegetables. And then long hours of hunger!
As it turned out, the experiments of the media diva with weight loss did not end there. Simonyan was so carried away by the transformation that from time to time she even began to follow an express diet.
Apparently, Margarita resorts to this method before important events. And the recipe for her weight loss is so simple that, if desired, she can enter the routine of every woman.
“Boil a piece of lean beef. You can throw in water to taste whatever you like. I put onions, garlic, dry adjika, herbs. Then on this broth you can cook a gorgeous borscht or kharcho.
Mix two teaspoons of regular adjika with two tablespoons of sour cream. And eat all day only this delicious boiled beef with this seasoning – as much as you want. Don’t eat at night, of course, ”Simonyan wrote on the mini-diet in social networks.
Margarita Simonyan has become a real weight loss specialist
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Margarita promises that such a diet of her “own composition” in the morning gives “a good minus on the scales.” Of course, it will be difficult to maintain the result of such a fasting day for a long time without other efforts. But for a way to get in shape quickly, it sounds pretty good – and quite satisfying.
Photo: @ _m_simonyan / Instagram