In the fridge and closet: where the stars keep their Oscars

In the fridge and closet: where the stars keep their Oscars

The figurines end up in the most unexpected places, and the fate of some is generally unenviable.

For years, stars have dreamed of the main film award. And now – about happiness – they receive the coveted “Oscar”. Tears, congratulations, photos on the covers of magazines … And what do celebrities do with the coveted figurines next?

Olivia Coleman, Oscar 2019

For example, the Olivia Coleman, the winner of Best Actress last year, told reporters that she will keep her new trophy in a special place. “Oscar will be in my bed, with me and my husband. True, he doesn’t know about it yet, but I hope he won’t mind. ” Knowing Olivia’s sense of humor, we assume that she was joking. But in any case, she keeps her figurine carefully. Unlike many colleagues.

Kate Winslet

This star put her Oscar in the bathroom. During an interview on GMTV, Winslet explained the reason for this decision: “Everyone wants to hold him and say, ‘Wow, damn it!” Therefore, I thought that if I put him in the toilet, then everyone will see him for sure and I can at least avoid the eternal questions: “Where is your Oscar?”

Susan Sarandon

Winslet is not alone: ​​her colleague Susan Sarandon once admitted on Twitter that she is holding her Academy Award for Best Actress, won back in 1996, in the bathroom.  

Alicia Vikander

She, it seems, did not need this award at all. “I haven’t seen him since the night I got him,” said the star, who was awarded for Best Actress in Danish in 2016. “Before the ceremony, I moved to a new place and worked a lot, I just gave it to my daughter’s daughter in Los Angeles,” she added. 

And the girl turned the award into a traveling toy. “She took him everywhere and sent me pictures to prove she was taking good care of him,” Vikander explained. “I loved those funny little news.”

John Legend

Here’s someone to learn from the previous heroines of our collection! Legend is the first African American to win Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony at once, and he was proud of this fact. So he and Chrissy Teigen made a special shelf for all of his awards. And not in the toilet, but in the living room.

Timati Hutton

Hatton won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in Ordinary People in 1980 and almost immediately chose an unusual hideout for the trophy. He thought, “It would be fun to put Oscar in the fridge when the guests are out for drinks or whatever, it would be fun.” So the actor made and kept the statuette there for many years.

Julia Roberts

On the show, Ellen DeGeneres, Roberts revealed that she “keeps an Oscar in her salon.” When the presenter asked to explain exactly what she meant, the actress said: “This is in the room where there is a piano played by my daughter. We call it a salon. “

Emma Stone

When asked where she keeps her award for Best Actress in La La Land, Stone told People that the Oscar is at her mom’s house, Emma’s most important person. “I’m sure my mom will take care of my award,” the actress explained.

Cuba Gooding Jr.

He received an Oscar for Best Actor for his role in Jerry Maguire and immediately hid the statuette in … a wine cabinet. By the way, there is a logical explanation for this. “The wine cooler is temperature controlled, so the Oscar shone like new. Now that I hold it outdoors in my room, it has already faded, stained – that’s cool. He begins to age and take on character. Like me”.

Goldie Hawn

When she had to decide where to put Goldie’s Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, Hawn chose a meditation room. “My reward is in the room where I study and practice meditation. Sometimes it sits on the mantel, sometimes I put it away, ”she told InStyle. “Awards are history, that’s my philosophy.”

Catherine Zeta-Jones

“He’s at our house in Bermuda,” she once told InStyle of the 2002 Best Supporting Actor Oscar. “I thought there aren’t many Oscars in Bermuda. Of course, everyone who visits us there wants to be photographed with him. “

Reese Witherspoon

First, Witherspoon, who won Best Actress at the Oscars in 2005, wanted to turn her award into a knocker or decoration. But then she chose a more traditional path. “None of these options were practical. Now I just keep it in my living room, ”she said.

Gwyneth Paltrow

“I hid it behind the books on the shelf in the bedroom because it all tires me,” admitted the actress, who earned the statuette in 1999 for Shakespeare in Love.» . 

“For a few weeks after I won, I kept it in stock … For some reason, I couldn’t really be happy about it. I just feel embarrassed and it causes strange, traumatic feelings. This “Oscar” is associated with a difficult time in my life. ”

Recall that Gwyneth came to that very ceremony with her father, who died a couple of years later.

Jennifer Lawrence

After her first win for her role in My Boyfriend is Crazy in 2013, Lawrence took the statuette to her parents’ home in Kentucky, where she firmly settled on the family piano and still stands there. Since then, Jennifer has acquired three more figurines, but their fate is unknown.

Natalie Portman

“I don’t know where he is,” Portman told The Hollywood Reporter when asked where the Oscar she won for Black Swan in 2011 is now. “I think it’s in the safe or something. I dont know”.

She explained that she tries to avoid admiring the statuette. “This is literally the worship of golden idols – if you think about it. But this is a false idol. “

What is the Oscar statuette made of?

This award is cast from an alloy of tin, antimony and copper – the so-called britain. By the way, cutlery is often made from it). And it is covered with pure 24-carat gold. The Oscar is 34 cm tall and weighs almost 4 kilograms.

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