In July 2013, actress Diane Kruger became the face of Chanel Beauty’s Resynchronizing Collection. In support of the advertising campaign, the brand’s specialists have released several impressive videos with her participation.
Diane Kruger for Chanel’s Resynchronizing Collection
It was no coincidence that Chanel experts chose Diane Kruger as the face of the Resynchronizing Collection. The natural beauty and youth of the actress are the best fit for this advertising campaign. It is easy to make sure of this – just watch the video “Where beauty begins” with the participation of Diana, posted on the official website of Chanel Beauty. The idea of the promo video is to show the day of a resident of a big city. Diane Kruger appears before the viewer as a businesswoman who can be gentle and romantic next to her boyfriend. Personnel sketches of the video are accompanied by the actress’s monologue on the topic of beauty. By the way, you can take note of some statements. For example: “Where does beauty begin? From being yourself. Only yourself. Without imitating anyone “or” Beauty is unpredictable. She does not flaunt herself … She is mysterious. It is sometimes imperfect. But always unique. “
As a result, the video turned out to be very beautiful and inspiring. We invite you to watch it.
Diane Kruger expressed her attitude to the Chanel fashion house and female beauty in a video interview. At the moment, three videos have been released.
“The elegance and sophistication of the Chanel house, as well as the image of the Chanel woman, have always inspired me,” says Diana in her first interview. – It seems to me that beauty is not something that lies on the surface, but something more. This is what we acquire during life, what comes to us with life experience. Beauty is curiosity, culture, strength of character. ” The actress also shared her opinion on the brand’s new products: “Chanel offers a new way of skin care: new products are developed on the basis of serious scientific discoveries and adapted to the daily needs of modern women.”
“The main point of new skin care from Chanel is to accept yourself as you are and highlight your beauty, rather than trying to fix yourself and hide flaws,” says Diane Kruger in her second video interview. – Every day you take care of your skin, regardless of age. You are trying to look even better … Age-related changes on the skin are normal, moreover, they are simply necessary. The traces of a life lived through are the story of your beauty. “
In the third video interview, Diana says: “At all times, both when I was an aspiring model, and now, when I am an actress, Gabrielle Chanel was the ideal of a modern woman. She never sought a compromise – neither in fashion, nor in the choice of her accessories, nor in beauty … You ask, who was the source of inspiration for me? The ideal woman of Chanel … She is sophisticated, independent, she is a legend … Coco Chanel was a symbol of freedom. “
Diane Kruger’s opinions on female attractiveness and one of the best designers in the world, Coco Chanel, deserve respect. It is very pleasant to listen to Diana and look at her. By the way, these videos are not the last ones. Chanel experts promise that another video featuring the actress will appear soon. Will wait!