In the dashing 90s, I worked as an engineer at a local plant for the production of building materials. The salary was given out with our products, but one day I unexpectedly received several sacks of flour for my work.

The wife was delighted, baked pies and bread. And my godfather gave me an idea: to kick out moonshine. The case was unfamiliar to me, but I decided to conduct an experiment.

This story was sent by our subscriber Alex.

Ingredients and equipment

Moonshine from cereals is much more difficult to expel than sugar. But some craftsmen prefer to work with grain mash, because the final product has an original taste and aroma.

Connoisseurs of homemade vodka claim that a drink made from flour is soft, with a pleasant taste of wheat, buckwheat or rye.

The main ingredient, of course, is flour or cereal. I have read that in flour it is easier for enzymes to get to small particles, but it is more prone to escape. Distillers, on the other hand, use various cereals in their work:

  • Wheat. The most easily accessible and inexpensive raw material. The result is a product with a mild and pleasant taste.
  • Rye. Particularly prone to escape from the mash tank. The taste of moonshine is sharper than wheat.
  • Buckwheat. Connoisseurs advise using domestic raw materials, the drink is obtained with a richer taste.
  • Corn. It lends itself perfectly to processing, is not capricious, has a large yield per kilogram.
  • Rice. Leading the way out. Enhances the taste of additives in the manufacture of tinctures.
  • Barley. The drink has an original aftertaste that interrupts other products.

Interesting: if you use a mixture of cereals stale in the kitchen for mash, you get a peculiar and unique drink.

In addition to flour, in the manufacture of home brew you will need:

  • enzymes;
  • water;
  • yeast (wine, dry);
  • antibiotics (doxycycline, amoxicillin);
  • defoamer;
  • acidifier (phosphoric or citric acid).

I poured the mash into a glass bottle with a water seal. The main thing is to calculate the volume so that 30% of the free space remains in the tank after laying all the components.

The cooking process

For the first time, I cooked mash according to the simplest recipe. I advise debutants to start with him.

For 1 kg of flour you will need:

Attention: the amount of yeast when laying can be reduced to save money. In a few days, they will in any case multiply to the desired amount, but the mash will cook a little longer.

I sent all the ingredients into a bottle, mixed it and closed it with a water seal. Fermentation was not long in coming. After 2 hours, small bubbles appeared, then for two days the contents of the bottle were intensely seething.

In total, the braga stood with me for 3 weeks. When the liquid brightened, a precipitate fell out, then it was time for distillation.

Important! If a film appears on the liquid, then it is urgent to distill. Otherwise, the mash will turn sour.


I carried out the first stage with the help of a moonshine, borrowed from a godfather. Before starting work, he took the bottle to the cold, and then drained the liquid without sediment through a tube. If the mash was made from cereals, then the thick can be washed with water and squeezed well.

Grain mash is distilled to a fortress in a jet of 0-5º. Connoisseurs call it “dry”. At the end of the haul, the smell of primary raw materials is clearly felt.

I must say right away that a double distillation is required, because after one time a product with an unpleasant odor is obtained.

The second stage cleans the product from toxic substances, transforms the taste of moonshine beyond recognition. Between treatments, I took a daily break and passed the distillate through a charcoal filter.

Aromatic result

My first moonshine experience was a success. The drink turned out soft, with wheat flavor. From 5 kg of flour, I drove out almost 2 liters of homemade moonshine, which cost me 825 rubles.

It turned out that moonshine is prepared not only from the usual sugar. It’s just that a special approach to different raw materials is needed. For example, in the case of flour, I needed constant vigilance so that the wash did not escape from the container.

Now I have retired, there is time. I decided to recall the experience of past years and expel home-made moonshine from flour. Gathering information on how to improve the above recipe. Share your experience, who makes grain mash?

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