In Poland, it is better to cut off than to heal. “Amputation is like the cheapest treatment that brings – in quotation marks – profit to the hospital”

Diabetic foot is one of the most dramatic complications of diabetes. It can lead to irreversible deformation of the foot or necrosis. It can be treated, unfortunately in Poland the most common method is amputation. “It is like the cheapest treatment that brings – in quotation marks – profit to the hospital” – says diabetologist prof. Leszek Czupryniak. We are the European leader in terms of the number of such operations.

Diabetic foot is characterized by ulceration on the sole or back of the foot, deformation of the foot, and impaired sensation. According to doctors, over 250 are already struggling with this ailment. Poles, another 200 are at risk.

Detecting a diabetic foot is not complicated. Unfortunately, many doctors cannot cope with the early diagnosis of the threat. Patients themselves are often unable to adequately assess the condition of their limbs (which is caused by sensory disturbances), and as a result they see a doctor when the condition of the foot is very serious. Then often the only idea for treatment is to cut off the foot.

Professor Leszek Czupryniak emphasizes that in Poland there is no access to professional treatment of the diabetic foot, which is often long and costly. – Amputation is like the cheapest treatment that brings – in quotation marks – profit to the hospital. Chronic treatment is not financed as well and a patient with a diabetic foot always brings losses to the hospital – admits the doctor.

This is evidenced by the increase in the number of amputations performed. In 2014, there were 3,7 thousand patients hospitalized for subtraction of the diabetic foot. In 2017, this number increased to 4. We are the European leader in terms of the number of such operations – per 100. there are eight to 12 amputations in the population, which is four times more than in Germany, England or the USA.

It is the worst in the Śląskie Voivodeship. In 2012, 655 patients had a diabetic foot amputee, in 2016 it was already 682 patients, in 2017 – 737.

Diabetic foot is one of the most dramatic complications of undiagnosed or poorly treated diabetes. Several percent of diabetics struggle with it. When blood glucose levels are too high and blood glucose values ​​are abnormal, blood vessels and nerves are damaged. This is how the diabetic foot is of vascular (ischemic) or nervous (neuropathic) origin.

The first symptoms of a diabetic foot are abnormal sensations (it is easy to rub), peeling skin, tingling, stinging and muscle spasms intensifying at night. With time, hard-to-heal wounds and ulcers appear on the foot. There is a degradation of the skin, bones, joints and deformation of the foot (the so-called Charcot joint). The foot is swollen, red and has a high temperature. The fingers become hammer-shaped – bent at the middle joint. Neglecting the disease can lead to tissue necrosis and amputation. In Poland, every second lower limb amputation is performed due to neglected diabetes.

Anti-flaking and drying of the skin are e.g. knee socks for diabetics PIC Solution Re-Derma. These products are worth using in order to prevent problems with the diabetic foot and related ailments. We also recommend pressure-free cotton socks with aloe vera to soothe the skin. For foot skin care, we also recommend the PiC Solution Re-Vita foot care kit for diabetics, which is available on Medonet Market at an attractive price.

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