In hot weather, it is worth resting more often and drinking plenty of water

In hot weather, it is worth resting more often, e.g. in the shade or in air-conditioned stores, and drinking plenty of water, but reducing coffee and beer drinking, said Dr. Marek Niemirski, spokesman for the Provincial Emergency Station and Sanitary Transport in Warsaw.

As Niemirski emphasized in an interview with PAP, elderly people and people with cardiovascular diseases should limit going outside, especially between 10 a.m. and 15 p.m. when the sun is at its strongest. He added that in hot weather, the ambulance service is most often called to the elderly who, during the hottest heat, do their shopping and return home loaded with bags. It may end up fainting, he warned.

It is best – according to a specialist – in hot weather to avoid unnecessary effort, and if it is impossible, often rest in the shade or take breaks, hiding, for example, in air-conditioned stores.

Also, do not forget to drink plenty of water. As Niemirski advised, when it is hot, you should drink at least three liters a day. He noted, however, that not every drink is appropriate in hot weather – e.g. coffee or beer are diuretic drinks that dehydrate the body, so drinking them should be limited.

We should drink in small portions, but often. If someone drinks two glasses of water at once, he will have had enough and will not want to drink any more. And when you drink in small portions, you are a little unsatisfied, so it will fill the gaps – explained Niemirski.

The expert also warned against getting into a car heated in the sun. The temperature inside the car can reach 60-80 degrees C. Before getting in, such a car should be aired, and the temperature should be reduced. It often happens that we are in a hurry and quickly get into a hot car and we start to feel weak – emphasized the specialist. He also noted that if the air conditioning is turned on in the car, it should not cool too much either.

The spokesman also advises wearing airy, loose and non-compressive clothes in hot weather. Also, do not forget about a light headdress.

Besides, Niemirski recommended prudence in taking sunbaths. A tan is probably not fashionable anymore, so you should sunbathe carefully and use creams with high filters – he added (PAP)

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