In glass, cans or plastic bottles: my opinion is which packaging is best for beer

Alcohol often pushes us to philosophical reflections. So on that day, when the men and I were sitting in the garage and quietly sipping beer, one of our people noticed that each of us has alcohol in containers made of different materials.

Immediately, reflections began on the topic, and in what kind of packaging is it better to take beer?

How does an aluminum can affect beer?

I drank Klinskoye from an aluminum can, so I decided to take the floor first. I considered such packaging the best option and was ready to defend my opinion.

So, in favor of an aluminum can, I made the following arguments:

  1. Beer is poured to the very edge. Because of this, the liquid is less shaken and stored longer (up to 1 year).
  2. Preservation of ecology. Aluminum is a material that can be sent for recycling. For this, by the way, they pay money.
  3. Resistance to ultraviolet. The jar does not let in the sun’s rays, which also has a good effect on the storage of beer.
  4. Weight. An aluminum can is the lightest package in existence.

Most of the people in the garage supported me, however, there were also opponents who preferred to drink beer from glass and plastic containers.

Note! For the first time, beer was bottled in metal cans in 1935.

How does a glass bottle affect beer?

Admirers of glass put pressure on the aesthetics of beer in such packaging, and on the shelf life, which, as it turned out, in some cases can reach one and a half years.

“It’s all good,” I said. “But glass has one big drawback compared to aluminum.” They looked at me questioningly. I smiled and walked over to our beer supply.

“If I drop a box of bottles and cans on the floor now, in which case will we be more likely to continue drinking beer?”

No one argued about the fragility of glass containers. And it also lets in the sun’s rays, which is unlikely to have a positive effect on the beer stored in it.

In addition, unlike the same aluminum cans, has anyone ever seen beer bottles carried to a recycling center? But even a decade and a half ago it was the main income of the younger generation.

Note! The darker the glass in the bottle, the less the beer is exposed to UV light.

How does a plastic bottle affect beer?

There were few supporters of plastic in our company. The main advantage of such containers, which they called cheapness. Well, the convenience of transportation. Everything.

But we overwhelmed them with the shortcomings of plastic containers. The main thing was ecology – now it’s fashionable to speak out against the use of this material, but why are we worse?

Next came the properties of the plastic itself. Upon contact with beer, it can release harmful substances that accumulate in the human body over time and can adversely affect health.

And, of course, the shelf life of the beer itself in a plastic bottle is an order of magnitude lower than in other packages, even if the opposite is indicated on the container.

Here we again run into the properties of plastic, which is not only able to transmit sunlight, but also deforms at the same time.

In what container is it better to take in the end

So, the majority of the votes in our impromptu vote went to aluminum cans. I considered this victory fully deserved.

Such containers are the only ones covered from the inside with a special protective layer, which has a good effect on the taste of beer and prevents its oxidation. I have already talked about light weight.

In addition, aluminum cans are easy to cool, they are airtight and … yes, I can probably list the advantages of this container for a long time.

Note! Regardless of the type of container, it is better to check the expiration date on the package before buying.

In general, we talked for a long time in the garage about different packaging for beer, remembered the kegs with a kind word and managed to convince half of the glass and plastic fans to switch to our brotherhood of can lovers. And which side are you on?

*Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health!

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