Are you six years old? Everything, you have to go. Go to the gym, build muscles, fight for the cherished six cubes on your stomach. And then – a direct road to fitness podiums.
TLC has filmed a documentary series about how American families approach the issue of children’s sports development. This is a real cult of the body – see for yourself.
Here is one family – Bobby and Alicia Ice. They have two children: the eldest, Bo, is 11, and the youngest, Cap, is only 8 years old. But both of them already have a solid training experience behind them – the boys have been training every day since the age of 6.
The father of the family loves to pull iron. And his guys are doing the same. At home, Bobby Sr. set up a real gym, where they all train. They start at 8 am. Well, they also come to a regular gym. Workouts continue even while the family is watching TV – why waste time if you can pull up or squat.
Daddy keeps track of the sports achievements of his kids.
“Last year, Bo did 130 squats and 52 push-ups,” Bobby brags to the camera. – And Cap – 78 thousand squats and 39 thousand push-ups per year. I have never seen children who were capable of this.
Bo and Cap are already competing – from the Olimpia Show in Vegas they brought gold medals – each in their own category.
The boys themselves claim that they really enjoy being stronger and healthier than most of their peers. In addition, Cap is also engaged in wrestling. He says that bodybuilding helps him a lot from this side.
Ethan is 11, Sanali is 8. Both he and she train under the supervision of a dad, former Marine Philip Ricardo. For a moment, the former Mr. Universe. By the way, their mother is also a fitness lady.
– I want my children to be healthy and always in good shape. Therefore, I use the military training style that was instilled in me in the Marine Corps, says Philip.
In addition, the jock dad is sure: children willingly go in for sports, because they see an appropriate example from their parents. They adopt a healthy lifestyle from their personal role models.
A boy and a girl are not only engaged in simulators. They work with free weights, do crossfit exercises – burpees, for example, a hated but very effective exercise.
Brother and sister have already earned dozens of medals at competitions of various levels. Including gymnastics.
– Sometimes it really hurts and lazy to me, it is very difficult to study. But such is the life of a bodybuilder, Ethan sighs philosophically.
And, commendably, the father of young champions is an ardent opponent of any drugs that help build muscle.
– Only sports and healthy food, – Philip is categorically disposed.
Do you think this boy is an ordinary 11-year-old bespectacled man? But no. From the age of 9, the guy has been participating in weightlifting competitions. And wins.
– I can lift more than any 12-year-old child in this universe. Provided that he himself weighs no more than 30 kilograms. – You can’t call Cage modest.
For powerlifting, Cage took up, looking at his dad – Bryce Gregarich. The parents, unlike the previous two couples, did not insist at all that the boy go in for sports. He decided so himself, but they did not object. And now they have something to be proud of.
– He looks like a little monster. He does things that other children not only do not want to do, but simply could not. Even if they really wanted to, – says Cage’s mother, Ricci.
In addition, the parents had to face criticism from other moms and dads.
– These are people who just do not understand powerlifting. They believe that children should not lift weights. But I know that Cage does everything right, Ricci is sure.