In America, a cure for COVID-19 was presented

In America, a cure for COVID-19 was presented

Salvation seems to be near! The American company Gilead Sciences has presented the world with a drug that puts even doomed patients with COVID-19 on their feet. 

In America, a cure for COVID-19 was presented

The American biotechnology company Gilead Sciences is developing antiviral drugs. Even in the last decade, their specialists released the drug Remdesivir, aimed at suppressing various types of viruses. 

Who would have known that a drug, still in clinical trials, would prove itself in the fight against coronavirus!

Back in early March, when the pandemic was just beginning to gain momentum, Gilead Sciences conducted a study on the effectiveness of Remdesivir in treating critically ill patients. The drug was given to 53 people – many of them were already connected to a ventilator. 

According to the official data of the company, 28 days after the start of Remdesivir treatment, 84% of patients (45 people) on the mend or were discharged from the hospital at all!

The drug did not help only patients over 70 years old who were found to have serious liver dysfunctions. 

However, not everything is so rosy. The drug has not been approved by the FDA at this time. (FDA), therefore, cannot be actively used. To do this, it is worth conducting much more significant research, which is what the company is doing now. 

Remdesivir is already being tested in the US, China and the UK, with thousands of patients with varying degrees of disease. According to media reports, the company has received requests for testing from other European countries.

It is also issued to people under the “compassionate application” program – that is, those patients whose diagnosis can lead to death and who cannot receive satisfactory treatment with approved medicines. 

According to the pharmaceutical publication Endpoints News, in America, so many citizens wanted access to the drug that Gilead Sciences had to temporarily end the “compassionate use” program, providing Remdesivir only to adolescents and pregnant women with severe coronavirus. 

And while Remdesivir still has a long way to go for official approval, doctors in Western hospitals are hoping to be able to consistently work with the drug, because it really does have an effect. 

Gilead Sciences CEO Dan O’Day has already told the press that the company is working to shorten the production time of the drug and increase its availability. 

Now specialists are preparing to release 1,5 million doses of Remdesivir, which will be enough for a full course of treatment for more than 140 thousand patients. By the end of the year, Gilead Sciences plans to provide drugs to one million patients. Recall that at the moment more than 1,85 million infected have been identified in the world. 

All discussions of the coronavirus on the Healthy Food Near Me forum.

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