In a sober mind?

Older women who drink moderately do better on intelligence, memory, abstract thinking, and language tasks than their non-drinking counterparts.

Older women who drink moderately do better on intelligence, memory, abstract thinking, and language tasks than their non-drinking counterparts. These conclusions were made by American researchers from the Wake Forest University Medical Center (USA), who studied the data of 7460 American women over 65 years old. It turned out that women who drank from one to three standard servings of alcoholic beverages per day coped better with the proposed tasks. Study leader Mark Espeland suggested that such alcohol consumption may have a protective effect on the central nervous system of older women, preventing the development of senile dementia, in particular Alzheimer’s disease. However, Espeland does not recommend non-drinking women to change their habits. At least until the mechanism of alcohol’s effect on the brain is fully understood.

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