In 2020, there will be a shortage of doctors, nurses and physiotherapists

According to the “Professions Barometer 2020” report, in 2020 Poland will lack doctors, physiotherapists, massage therapists, nurses, midwives and carers for the elderly and the disabled. The effects of an aging society are becoming more and more evident.

Staff shortages in health care will be felt more and more

The Professions Barometer 2020 report presents professions that will be in short supply in 2020. When it comes to health protection, practically every profession is lacking – apart from doctors and nurses, there will also be shortages among physiotherapists, massage therapists, carers for the elderly and the disabled.

As we read in the report, deficits in this industry are caused, among others, by the consequences of an aging society. The greatest problems with staff shortages are experienced by hospitals and facilities located in small poviats located near large urban centers. More attractive salaries are offered in cities.

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The report also highlights the fact that specialists from the medical industry usually work in several institutions at the same time – public and private, and physiotherapists and masseurs more often decide to start their own business, due to poor earnings in public health care.

Health protection problems in Poland

Information on staff shortages in the Polish health care system is not new. According to estimated data, as many as 68 doctors of various specialties are missing in Poland. GUS data show that in Poland we have over 90. doctors working in the profession. For 10 thousand. On average, there are 23 specialists in our country – this is the worst result in the entire European Union. In addition, the average age of specialists is getting higher – the average general surgeon is almost 60 years old.

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In the case of nurses and midwives, the situation is also not very optimistic. According to the data of the Supreme Chamber of Nurses and Midwives, in 2019 (as of November 2019) there were 230 nurses and 327 midwives working in Poland. The average age for nurses is 27 years and 883 years for midwives. According to OECD, there are approximately 52 nurses per 49,9 inhabitants, with the EU average being 1000.

The Ministry of Health boasts that in 2019 spending on health care reached PLN 104 billion. As Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced, in 2020 health care spending will exceed 5 percent. GDP and will amount to over PLN 109 billion. The ruling party’s election plan assumed a systematic increase in health care spending to 6 percent. in 2024. Meanwhile, WHO recommends a safe level for citizens of 6,8 percent. GDP.

The situation between healthcare workers and the ministry of health is very tense, talks are still underway on healing the “sick healthcare worker”.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. The number of specializations is falling. Untitled doctors earn more than residents
  2. About a doctor from Ukraine who wants to be treated in Poland. «To heal people, you have to like it»
  3. Collapse in surgery. On average, a surgeon in Poland is 58,5 years old. Salary? Very low

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