In 2020, telemedicine flourished. Everything «thanks» to the pandemic
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2020 took its toll on practically everyone. It turns out, however, that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic also caused some positive things to happen. I am talking about the huge development of telemedicine in Poland and in the world.

  1. The development of telemedicine services significantly accelerated during the pandemic. It was forced, inter alia, by by the “shutdown of the economy” in March
  2. New solutions that appeared this year will probably stay with us for longer
  3. – Based on our data, it can be safely stated that over 50 percent. simple patient problems can be solved by telemedicine. There is no need to wait in line for a prescription or a referral – said Rafał Piszczek, CEO of
  4. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

Telemedycyna w dobie pandemii

2020 was the year of telemedicine services. Although remote medical services have been conducted for years, it was only in the passing year that they gained incredible popularity. The March “economic shutdown” forced by the spreading SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus epidemic forced medical services to quickly adapt to the new reality. Medical facilities focused on remote patient service during television visits, telephone calls or videoconferences.

It turned out that not every consultation with a doctor requires a visit to the office. You can get a prescription, referral to a specialist or sick leave without leaving your home.

– In Poland, we are just discovering the potential of telemedicine. The pandemic has shown how inefficient the healthcare system is, and it undoubtedly found itself in a crisis in 2020. During the lockdown, it was telemedicine that met the challenges of the pandemic and accelerated the digitization of the Polish healthcare system – explains Rafał Piszczek, CEO of, a platform offering telemedicine services.

– Our platform was ready in January 2020, so it immediately became a hit in March and is currently one of the most popular telemedicine platforms in Poland. Based on our data, it can be safely stated that over 50 percent. simple patient problems can be solved by telemedicine. No more waiting in line for a prescription or referral. Now all you need is a chat, video or phone call with the doctor and within five minutes we can get the prescription code – explains Piszczek and adds: – Due to the fact that typically administrative activities enter the online world, the doctor can pay more attention to people who require a stationary visit. The quality of the visit increases and its comfort is increased, the doctor spends less time on administrative work.

Digitization of health care as a response to the deficit of doctors

We can venture to say that if it were not for the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, telemedicine would not have developed so quickly in our country. Yes, some solutions would appear, but probably only in some time. Meanwhile, as Piszczek argues, digitization of health care is very much needed. Take, for example, the DOM program, i.e. the Home Medical Care program, aimed at remote monitoring of the health of patients with a positive test for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. There is a high probability that this program or other versions of it will stay with us after the epidemic.

– We are already working with companies that provide patients with holters with an embedded SIM card. There are more and more tools for remote diagnostics in the world – adds Piszczek.

The development of telemedicine services also means better access to specialist doctors. We are still struggling with the shortage of medical personnel – in many places, specialists use stationary services for several hours a week or a month. Thanks to e-visits, we can arrange an interview with any specialist without leaving home. We do not have to waste time organizing travel and waiting in lines.

How to use telemedicine services?

Do you have a health problem and the lines to see the doctor are very long? Telemedicine is there for you! In just 10 minutes on the haloDoctor platform you can talk to a specialist and receive an e-prescription

See also: How to prepare for a telemedicine visit? [WE EXPLAIN]

The future of telemedicine

In 2020, the remote medical services industry was one of the best-funded. Investors donated millions of dollars and zlotys for the development of telemedicine services – tools for remote diagnostics and telemedicine platforms.

The table presents the five best-invested companies in the telemedicine sector in the world:

NameActivityLocationTotal investment
1. Amwell Telemedicine platform USA 810 954 610 $
2. iRythm Technologies Heart rate monitoring and remote sending of results to a doctor. USA 468 171 781 $
3. Ro A company dedicated to “building” virtual clinics. USA 376 100 000 $
4. SOC Telemed Matching doctors to patients in over 850 medical facilities. USA 343 333 996 $
5. Miaoshou Doctor A platform for communication between the doctor and the patient Chiny 248 519 192 $

Source: Data based on Crunchbase (; development: Higo Sense (

We will not see such spectacular amounts of subsidies in Poland, but it must be admitted that they are also impressive. According to Prowly, the Wrocław-based Intermedica company, which uses artificial intelligence to diagnose a patient, collected over 14 million dollars in eight years of operation, of which 10 million was obtained in 2020.

Another company – StethhoMe from Poznań, enabling remote diagnosis of the lungs and heart, has financing at the level of almost PLN 7 million. The third place among the best-financed ones was taken by the Warsaw-based company HomeDoctor, which deals with teleconsultations with doctors and arranging home visits – it acquired 4,5 million dollars.

Despite the fact that this branch is growing so dynamically, it will face several challenges that it will have to face in 2021. Speech incl. on legislative solutions. Worth reading: Development of e-health in Poland. What are the challenges ahead?

How will telemedicine develop in Poland? Piszczek has his vision:

– I believe that artificial intelligence in medicine is its future. Let us imagine a situation where the patient, before crossing the threshold of the surgery, is initially diagnosed by a “virtual doctor” who, based on the collected data, helps the doctor in diagnosis. Thanks to such solutions, the doctor’s working time is really shortened and, in a way, we minimize the risk of misdiagnosis – he says and adds: Telemedicine is just the beginning, and our primary goal should be to implement solutions based on artificial intelligence and machine learning.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Why is telemedicine gaining popularity? [WE EXPLAIN]
  2. When is teleportation enough and when to go to an appointment? Expert Council
  3. How has telemedicine developed in Poland?

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