Improving health before winter: the power of beet juice

It has a sweet taste, characteristic color and the power of antioxidants. A daily consumption of beet juice is extremely beneficial for our health. Especially before the impending dominance of viruses and other challenges will face our body in the cold season.

Scientific studies show that beet juice helps to improve blood flow in the body. And since this vegetable is rich in antioxidants, folic acid, iron, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A and C, then drinking beetroot juice positively on health and beauty.

Moreover, it is not some sensational news. Beets have been known since ancient times, its therapeutic effects were evaluated by the Babylonians, then Greeks, and Romans. For thousands of years appeared, and several species of this valuable vegetable. That’s just lately fascinated super frame, the value of which, it seems, is directly proportional to rarity, we forgot that right next to us – not least the power of Superfoods. And one of them is beetroot juice.

The properties of beet juice

Raw beet is the most useful, because thermal processing does not deprive it of nutrients. That’s why one of the most popular and delicious ways of consuming are juices.

Drinking even one glass a day will benefit our liver. Beets will cleanse it from toxins and support its work. It is especially recommended to those who abuse alcohol and eat unhealthy and fatty foods – it is not only fried, but also fatty dairy products such as cheese or yogurt. Free radicals and antioxidants in beets, can even help to reduce the symptoms of cancer.

Beet juice is recommended for anemia, hypertension, and atherosclerotic lesions. It strengthens the immune system and increases the efficiency of the organism. Beet juice has antioxidant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

And – good news for losing weight! – beet juice is excellent support for the process of weight loss.

Improving health before winter: the power of beet juice

Beet juice: the experience of Sylvia Hamer

Greek woman Alisa Hamer discovered beetroot juice as a means of improving the health and shared his experience:

“Wanting to restore your body before the winter season, I started to look for healthy and natural solution. The theme of beet juice also interested me because I wanted to support his digestive system and change your eating habits. The body is beginning to rebel against the “bulletproof coffee” and heavy cheeses. In addition, I couldn’t imagine a day without eating eggs and of course, butter.

But we have only one health for a lifetime, so I decided to act immediately. In the search for solutions came across a recipes from one of the sites that offer recipes in juice therapy. For juicing you need a juicer and, of course, beets.

Advice from Alisa

“Don’t drink pure beet juice. Better if it will be with the addition of other vegetables or fruits. In ideas there is no shortage. You may drink beetswith carrots, citrus, apples and raspberries”.

I replaced morning coffee with beet juice, and the effect was pretty quick. After a few days I felt that I have more energy and strength, feeling of heaviness began to fade. In combination with changing dietary habits, changes in my body ceased to swell the stomach and become slim waist. In addition, my face stopped appearing pink pimples – though, probably, it is connected also with the exception of dairy products from the diet”.

Alisa has shared her recipe of a cocktail from beet juice.

Recipe of the morning cocktail of beet juice


  • 1 medium beet
  • 1 juicy grapefruit (you can substitute half of a lemon or orange)
  • 2 carrots
  • Ground 1 cucumber – for clean taste
  • A quarter of a red onion
  • A pinch of ginger
  • A pinch of turmeric

Method of preparation:

  1. Using the juicer to make juice from vegetables.
  2. Separately squeeze the juice of a grapefruit.
  3. Mix juices in the same container, add the remaining ingredients.

Improving health before winter: the power of beet juice

How to drink beet juice

As with all juices, beet is better to use 30-40 minutes before meals or between meals. Beet juice should not replace meals, treatment or therapy. And to strengthen the immune system before the winter with beet juice, it should also help compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle. And then – a cocktail after a cocktail – your body will begin to receive the energy, vitamin support and the long-awaited cleansing.

More about beet juice benefits watch in the video below:

The Benefits of Beet Juice for Superhealthy Blood

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