Improve your research results. A proper diet is enough
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Did you know that a properly balanced diet can improve blood test results? Find out which products are worth introducing to the daily menu.

Every year the awareness of the importance of healthy eating is growing. Regular consumption of meals rich in vegetables and fruits, the exclusion of highly processed products and drinking a minimum of two liters of water a day – these are the rules that in theory probably all of us know. And in practice? Who has never bought a ready-made dish of dubious quality, be the first to throw a stone.

Got bad blood test results? There is a way

Food consumed throughout the day provides not only energy, but also the macro- and micronutrients that play a vital role in almost every physiological process in the body, from metabolism and immunity to digestion and hormone regulation. The saying “you are what you eat” didn’t come out of nowhere. You can influence your health to a large extent with the help of a properly composed diet.

Anemia, low iron levels – how to supplement its deficiencies?

Anemia is the most common blood disease. In many cases it is caused by too little iron in the diet. Treatment of its deficiency can be helped by consuming foods rich in this element. It is mainly meat and its products (offal, beef), fish (sea fish, such as sardines, mackerel, salmon), eggs, whole grain cereal products and fruit, including avocados, currants and raspberries.

A great addition to the diet in anemia will also be foods rich in vitamin C, which helps in better absorption of iron. Therefore, it is worth introducing parsley, paprika, citrus fruit or sauerkraut into the daily menu. [1]

High cholesterol? Think about the Mediterranean diet

Untreated high cholesterol is a major risk factor for many cardiovascular diseases, including coronary artery disease. [2] A good choice for people who want to lower blood cholesterol is the so-called Mediterranean diet, largely based on the healthy eating pyramid.

The key is to reduce the consumption of saturated fatty acids (animal fats) and replace them with unsaturated fatty acids, e.g. vegetable oils. You will also find unsaturated fatty acids, among others in avocados, almonds, pumpkin seeds and walnuts. It is also necessary to consume minimal amounts of sugar and animal products. An inseparable element of the menu should also include fruit, vegetables and complex carbohydrates (pasta, whole grain bread), which not only help lower cholesterol, but also increase the level of folic acid, vitamins B6, B12 and vitamin C. [3]

Diabetes? Pre-diabetes? Carbohydrate control is imperative

Diet in diabetes, especially in prediabetes – that is, completely reversible – is of great importance. Of the three key nutrients in your diet – fats, protein, and carbohydrates – the latter have the greatest impact on blood glucose levels. And it is them that should be paid the most attention. Carbohydrate requirements vary depending on gender, activity, age and body weight. Anyone with diabetes or prediabetes should see a dietitian to find out how much carbohydrate they can safely consume throughout the day.

Specialist diets provide real support in the treatment and prevention of many health problems

For people who would like to holistically take care of their health with a diet, a specialist diet may be a good solution. Nowadays, diet is no longer considered only in the context of weight loss – there is a growing awareness of the impact diet has on health. It ceases to be a compulsion and becomes a lifestyle.

An example of such a diet is DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), which helps to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of developing heart disease. What’s more, by lowering glucose levels, it also reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. So if you want to strengthen the circulatory system, regulate blood pressure and lower cholesterol, this diet can be a bull’s eye. [4]

A diet with a low glycemic index [GI] is a good choice for people with abnormal blood sugar levels. What is the glycemic index? To put it simply – it is a ranking of food products that are classified in terms of their effect on postprandial blood glucose levels. The lower its value, the less it will increase after eating a given meal. However, remember not to introduce such a diet on your own – the diet of people suffering from insulin resistance or diabetes should be individually adjusted with the help of a dietician and attending physician.

Take care of your health comprehensively with SuperMenu!

Do you have doubts about which diet will be best for you? Are you wondering if you will find time to prepare properly balanced meals in the rush of everyday duties? Maybe it is worth entrusting this task to professionals?

SuperMenu diet catering by Anna Lewandowska is an offer for people who want to eat healthy, tasty and varied. Thanks to SuperMenu, you will not only lose unnecessary kilograms or build muscle mass. First of all, SuperMenu will help you change your lifestyle to a healthier one. The offer includes as many as 17 different diet programs in several caloric variants, and in case of any doubts, free consultations with a dietitian will help in choosing a diet.

What’s more, as part of the ongoing nationwide educational campaign “Health without excuses!” each SuperMenu client receives a code for a package of free blood tests (complete blood count, glucose, lipid profile). The tests are performed in a place and time chosen by the client. The results are available digitally at the latest 48 hours after the blood is collected. Find out more at

Also remember to properly prepare for blood collection so that the results are reliable. The World Health Organization recommends testing at least eight hours after your last meal. It is best to do them in the morning and drink a glass of water before taking your blood to make the blood less dense.

Important! Research results should not be interpreted on your own! Always consult them with a doctor who, after examining and conducting a thorough interview, will clarify all doubts and provide recommendations for further diagnosis, treatment or change of habits.

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