There is a small group of lucky people who do not have to worry about any diet, extra kilos and fat – they eat what they want and do not actually gain weight. People with a fast metabolism, who, thanks to their genes and nature, do not gain weight, are not doomed to spend hours in the gym after eating one donut or a slice of pizza. However, there is hope for people who are not so lucky. There is a way to put the functioning of your body on a similar track – and all thanks to the right diet.
A metabolism-boosting diet must be based on regular meals at fixed times. It should also be remembered that we can eat the most in the morning – when the metabolism is the highest, and in the evening the metabolism slows down significantly. The day should start with a large breakfast full of nutrients, and the closer to the evening, the caloric value of dishes must decrease significantly. We should eat the last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime, and not (as the well-known myth says) necessarily before 18 pm. Thanks to this, we will avoid night snacking and keep the metabolic rate at a constant, appropriate level.
Products that will increase metabolism, i.e. a diet for accelerating matter:
- Herbs and spices, i.e. green tea, chili peppers and ginger.
- Wheat bran, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, lean meat, eggs, legumes, wholegrain bread.
- Vegetables and fruits, as snacks and ingredients of dishes – are low in calories and have many vitamins.
- Cod liver oil, which increases enzyme levels, has beneficial fatty acids. Consume in tablets, but also introduce fish into your diet.
- Iron, having oxygenating properties and increasing metabolism. You will find them in spinach, green beans, meat, whole grain cereal products, broccoli.
- Coffee that speeds up metabolism by several percent! In addition, it stimulates the nervous system, but you must not drink too much of it, because it depletes magnesium.
- Milk fermented drinks, i.e. cottage cheese, skim milk. They contain calcium, protein and probiotic bacteria that benefit the digestive system.
- All essential minerals and vitamins.
- Products containing a lot of protein. A diet rich in proteins contributes to an increase in energy consumption by 25%, while carbohydrates and fats only increase 6 and 5%.
- Daily physical activity also promotes metabolism. The greater the effort, the greater the burn of energy. Mixed endurance training (running, swimming, cycling) and strength training (strengthening muscles, exercises lasting at least 30 minutes) are most often recommended.
- It is also recommended to avoid excessive stress, which causes the secretion of hormones that raise blood glucose levels. They cause metabolic disorders.