In modern pediatrics, there is a point of view that one of the causes of hyperactivity can be malnutrition of the child. And you don’t have to go far for examples, it’s enough to analyze the current increase in the incidence of ADHD and the products that today fall on the child’s table. After all, as you know, most of them contain various preservatives, flavors, artificial fillers, food colorings, which negatively affect neurochemical processes. And hyperactivity, impaired attention, anxiety — all these are manifestations, including a chemical imbalance in the brain. In addition, any product that causes an allergy in a child can become dangerous in this case.
Modern children are inseparable from bottles of cola, fanta, sprite and other «wonderful» drinks. In addition to a large amount of sugar (the dangers of which will also be discussed), they contain so many food colors and flavors that they simply do not have time to be excreted naturally. This causes a large accumulation of toxins, biochemically poisoning the body. And every day the child is subjected to a prolonged attack of toxic substances — toxicosis. It is good if his detoxification mechanisms (toxin removal) work normally. And if not? This is where the failures of all systems begin. Even seemingly harmless canned orange juice can cause a serious blow to the body.
The Americans, for example, found that after drinking such a vitamin drink in the urine of children after 24 hours, a large amount of zinc is found. (Zinc is the most important mineral that is actively involved in most processes and affects the mental activity of a person, his ability to learn and the nature of behavior.) So, this necessary element is simply washed out with orange juice. Why? And because canned juice contains the popular food coloring tertazine, which has the ability to “expel” zinc from the body.
It is especially unacceptable to feed a child with «adult» canned food. They are oversaturated with salt and preservatives (nitrites, glutamates, etc.), which, as you know, are far from harmless. They are poorly digested, irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, contribute to the occurrence of intestinal diseases and allergies. Nitrites, combining in the body with products of incomplete breakdown of proteins — amides and amines, form extremely carcinogenic nitroso compounds. It is noticed that salicylates also affect the hyperactivity of the child. And they are found in the bark, leaves of plants and trees (olives, coffee, etc.), in small quantities — in fruits (oranges, strawberries, apples, plums, cherries, raspberries, grapes).
Coffee, and black tea, for young children should generally be excluded. And exclude for a long time. It is known that these aromatic drinks contain a potent substance — caffeine, which stimulates the excitability of the vasomotor centers of the brain. In addition, it is dangerous for the work of the heart, as it increases the strength and frequency of contractions of the heart muscle (makes the heart beat faster, straining it excessively), and increases blood pressure. The caffeine contained in coffee and black tea destroys B vitamins, reduces the content of iron, potassium, calcium and zinc, that is, those elements without which a child with hyperactivity syndrome simply cannot exist. Coffee also contains resins and acids that are harmful to the digestive tract.
Now about sugar and carbohydrates. Our children are simply inundated with this today. And the industry is constantly working to ensure that there are more and more of them, so that they are tastier and more attractive. Powerful young men and graceful girls from TV screens invite every commercial break to «sneakers» or plunge into «heavenly bliss with a bounty», chubby kids insist on healthy breakfasts, and quick mothers — on delicious spaghetti dishes. All this — sweets, ice cream, soft drinks, buns, breakfast cereals, pizza, pasta, chips — food that fills a person with glucose very quickly.
At one time, refined sugar was subjected to a terrible persecution of doctors struggling with the hyperactivity syndrome. But now it has been proven that sugar can be both dangerous and absolutely harmless. For example, if you use it with proteins, then no violations will follow, but if with starches (as in confectionery), then it can cause behavioral disorders even in calm children.
How does this happen? Sugar and carbohydrates fill the blood with excess glucose, as a result, the body is forced to produce a large amount of insulin in order to process it. There is a sharp drop in blood sugar levels, sometimes too much — this condition is called hypoglycemia. There is weakness, fatigue. To neutralize this condition, the body produces a powerful release of energy hormones (for example, adrenaline), the vessels contract, the heart rate changes, and chills of the extremities may appear. The autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for involuntary physical processes, is suppressed as a result, which manifests itself in nervousness, fears, shortness of breath. Muscles are tense and ready for action. And they start to act.
You should also be careful about foods that can cause allergies. Usually these are eggs, cow’s milk, tomatoes, citrus fruits, exotic fruits for our child such as kiwi, mango, pineapple, etc. And one more important point. Hyperactivity increases (this is not the cause of the disease, but a factor influencing its course) if the child has excessive formation of salts. Mainly oxalates and urates. It is they who sharply increase the excitability of a person. To clarify the situation, it is necessary to do a urine test. If these salts are found in excess, urgent action must be taken. Firstly, to give the child plenty of fluids, and secondly, to limit the products that in the process of exchange give the formation of these salts.
The formation of urates is promoted by meat, sausage, sausages; oxalates — smoked meats, herring, chocolate, sorrel, spinach; those and others — any factory canned food.
Parents who have a child with similar problems would do well to keep a diary in which they record the relationship between food and the behavior of their son or daughter, and also carefully analyze whether the child’s body receives enough nutrients, vitamins, and microelements.
Treatment with the help of rational proper nutrition is long, troublesome, difficult, but it must be done! Naturally, connecting (on the recommendation of a doctor) and other necessary means.
Food that affects behavior
What you eat affects how you behave. A child who eats right is more likely to do the right thing. A healthy diet and, conversely, an unbalanced diet can significantly affect a child’s behavior. While some kids painlessly fill their «calm» tummies with all sorts of things, others turn into brawlers by swallowing a pea-marmalade. Parents need to be careful about what to feed their children. It is necessary to determine the «bad» food for your child. Try to answer the questions from the following list. See →
Nutrient deficiency
Studies have shown that many hyperactive children suffer from a lack of well-defined vitamins, trace elements and essential fatty acids. Consider which ones, why and where they are contained. See →
nutritional care
A lot depends on nutrition. In some cases, it can even cause the development of the syndrome, while in others it can aggravate the course of the disease. However, one cannot rely entirely on dietary treatment, as scientists from the Institute for Nutrition at the University Hospital in Giessen write: “Diet helps many children lead a normal life, but not all. This, of course, is due to the complex of reasons that could lead to the development of hyperkinetic syndrome. In particular, if the disease is caused by the use of salicylates and food additives, such as preservatives and dyes, then eliminating them from the diet leads to a significant improvement in the health of the child. See →