The film «Shopaholic»

The habit of frequently opening eyes wide (eye flashes), groaning, gasping, using vivid phrases enhances impressionability.

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Impressibility is direct and lively perception. The ability to easily and vividly perceive events, react sharply to what is happening and perceive impressions and remember for a long time what shocked.

Who is more impressionable

  • Children and women are usually more impressionable than men
  • Experiential personalities are more likely to experience impressions
  • Impressionability allows itself and develops in itself — a man-child.

How to deal with impressionability

Impressibility is one of the elements of emotionality, and one of its most controversial elements, along with impulsivity. In childhood, impressionability allows you to live brightly, especially if you have a wealth of positive impressions. If an impressionable child finds himself in negative situations, the traces of this will be raked up for a long time by the child himself and those who surround him. Psychotrauma is possible, sometimes almost on an equal footing. High impressionability among adults is rather an indicator of a lack of prudence, an indicator of childishness.

What to do

If you are overly impressionable, follow your habitual behavior. The habit of frequently opening eyes wide (eye flashes), groaning, gasping, using vivid phrases “Horror! Nightmare!”, “Oh, how cute!” or «Incredible!» enhances impressionability. Remove these behavioral habits, phrases and expressive movements, accustom yourself to a more solid and restrained behavior.

In any case, stop drinking and sleepless nights. Follow a healthy lifestyle.

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