Thieves in law will remember the performance that David Gotsman gave them. Such moments in life leave an impression, are imprinted.
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Impression is an image and memory with increased emotional coloring. What is vividly remembered and remains in memory, surfacing as if alive, happening again and again.
The process of forming a strong impression is imprinting. Strong and vivid impressions usually trigger experiences.
The tendency to emotionally vivid perception of what is happening is called impressionability.
Children live mainly with impressions, jumping with pleasure from one bright and emotional picture to another. If the necessary impressions are anchored to them, they give out the necessary, quite social reactions at the level of reflexes, and all this without including their heads, without thinking.
The art of parenting is the art of giving children memorable performances that, at the level of emotional memory, will give them the necessary life lessons.
However: a large number of adults also live completely, like children, looking for vivid impressions, exchanging vivid impressions and preferring those who give them such impressions and experiences.
The business format suggests a different way of life, namely, to turn on the head and draw conclusions based on certain impressions. Drawing conclusions, we come to the right decisions faster than jumping from impressions to experiences and back.