Impotence in men

Impotence is a pathological condition, which is based on a violation of the physiological ability of the penis to come into a state of erection (sexual arousal), or maintain it for a period of time sufficient for sexual intercourse (coitus). The most modern and correct name for this condition from a medical point of view is erectile dysfunction. If we decipher both of these medical terms in a nutshell, understandable to an ordinary person, without additional in-depth searches for information, then we can call them nothing more than sexual impotence.

But erectile dysfunction in the understanding of different people can have such a different limit and justification that this has forced specialists to standardize some criteria for identifying the true problem. You need to understand that the boundaries of norm and pathology are very thin and can radically differ in the understanding of many men. What some consider sexual impotence, others may compare with the pinnacle of sexual health. Another important point among the general characteristics of this problem is its delicacy.

Men suffering from erectile dysfunction try by all means to hide their sexual inadequacy. Some by simple silence, others by exaggerating their sexual health in vivid detail. The only thing that unites these two groups of people is that no one will know the real truth about the norm and pathology. It turns out a closed chain, which can only be broken by specialists.

A number of involuntary organic, neurogenic, vascular and psychogenic mechanisms are involved in the occurrence of impotence. This is due to the fact that an erection is a very complex physiological process, to achieve which a whole chain of successive reactions is involved. Normally, bringing the penis into an erect state occurs at lightning speed, taking less than a minute. The launch of a cascade of neurohumoral reactions is based on a nerve impulse from the subcortical or cortical structures of the brain.

Impotence in men

Its occurrence causes the release of hormonal biologically active substances, which lead to relaxation of the sphincters of the venous sinuses of the penis. The result of this is the stimulation of blood flow to them with an increase in length, thickness and hardened consistency. The ability to maintain the penis in this state depends on many factors, but in most cases it is determined by individual characteristics.

Erectile dysfunction can occur at any of its levels, which formed the basis of the basic classification of impotence. Its main types are:

  1. Organic – due to a violation of the conduct and implementation of sexual arousal or impulse. This means that men experience sexual attraction, but its realization in the form of an erection does not occur;

  2. Psychogenic – violation of the formation of an exciting impulse, which is primary in the launch of erectile ability;

  3. Mixed – a combination of organic and psychogenic mechanisms of erectile dysfunction. It occurs most often, since both species give rise to the development of each other.

Signs and symptoms of impotence

Impotence in men

Depending on when impotence occurred, it can be primary and secondary. In the first case, an erection in boys does not occur at all. In the second – it took place, but with the passage of time weakened or absent. Before describing the symptoms, it is important to highlight the so-called physiological or age-related impotence, which develops with age. There are no clear lines for impotence, since a man at any age continues to be a man in the full sense of the word. The main symptoms that should be of concern are:

  1. Decreased or absent erectile ability. This means that men of reproductive age who suffer from impotence are not able to bring the penis into a state of tension, despite a strong desire;

  2. Inadequate erection – the penis increases in size, but is unable to achieve the consistency necessary for sexual intercourse;

  3. The inability to maintain an erection for the time necessary for the normal duration of sexual intercourse, especially with unattained ejaculation;

  4. Premature ejaculation, which occurs in mature men who have extensive sexual experience;

  5. Absence of morning or night involuntary erection;

  6. Decreased or complete absence of libido (sexual desire) and associated impotence.

To make a diagnosis of erectile dysfunction, one of the listed symptoms is sufficient. The more their number takes place, the harder it is to eliminate the mechanisms of its development. There are cases when impotence is temporary or natural, being the logical result of physiological changes in the male body. It is worth mentioning them right away.

  1. It is impossible to consider impotence a decrease in erectile function against the background of excessive sexual activity. Under conditions of constant irritation of the receptor structures of the brain, the venous sinuses of the penis and their closure apparatus, resistance develops with absolute insensitivity to any irritating influences. The duration of such a state can reach a different time and depends, first of all, on the transferred loads. The higher they are, the longer erectile dysfunction will be. After a certain time, everything is restored by itself;

  2. Premature ejaculation in men who have an irregular sex life, which often causes the inability to bring sexual intercourse to the desired end. Normalization of sexual relations leads to the rapid elimination of this unpleasant feature. If this did not happen, then it is worth looking for the causes of an unpleasant state;

  3. Decrease in sexual power in men whose age is beyond reproductive. It is very important to take into account the gradual age-related decline, and not the complete loss of erectile abilities.

All these conditions do not require complex medical interventions, as they are reversible or are natural age-related changes in the male body. The main thing in confirming impotence as a medical problem is the appearance of the listed symptoms, which have not been observed before and persist for a long time. Short-term erectile dysfunction can also be a variant of the norm due to transient hormonal changes from the male genital area.

Causes of impotence

Impotence in men

Impotence in men refers to those conditions that can be both a separate disease and one of the many symptoms of various pathological conditions. There are more than enough reasons for its occurrence. They can affect any of the levels and mechanisms of bringing the penis into a state of persistent erection. Given that this is a very subtle and complex system, it is often subject to negative influences. These include:

  1. Psychological impotence;

  2. Physical overexertion;

  3. Diseases of the endocrine system;

  4. neurological disorders;

  5. Diabetes mellitus, obesity and malnutrition;

  6. Damage to the vascular system;

  7. Cardiac pathology and hypertension;

  8. Severe liver damage with the development of liver failure;

  9. Intoxication and bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking, drug addiction);

  10. Diseases and injuries of the male genital organs;

  11. medicinal impotence;

  12. Non-observance of the culture of natural sex and the abuse of its substitutes.

[Video] Obstetrician-gynecologist Olga Pryadukhina – the main causes of impotence + tips for solving them. Secrets of male power:

Viagra from impotence: the consequences of the application

Viagra and its analogues in the form of tablet preparations (Cialis, Levitra) have a good result, but they have a number of side effects and contraindications. This applies to the use of this means by men of all age groups as a basic method of treatment. For young people who do not have signs of organic abnormalities, it is not needed at all, since with systematic use it causes addiction, and then resistance to any drug effects, regardless of the dose of the drug.

The use of vasodilator drugs for impotence by older men is fraught with the development of severe cardiovascular complications. Their risk is minimized with proper administration and an adequate dose of the drug. Naturally, if there is no other way out, then all methods are good, especially if they have the desired effect.

Other methods in the form of vacuum stretching of the penis, in which blood is attracted to the cavernous bodies, are rarely used, although they bring a certain result. Surgical treatment of impotence consists in the prosthesis of the cavernous bodies of the penis with flexible prostheses, which acquire a predetermined position. The listed methods of treatment are extreme measures.


Diet plays a big role in treatment. Nutrition should be balanced, the foods used should have restorative properties, for example, whey, sour goat milk (ordinary milk is possible, but there will be a different effect) honey, millet, vegetable oil, tomatoes, brewer’s yeast, carrots, fruits rose hips, celery, garlic and onion.

Prevention of impotence

Impotence in men

The whole complex of preventive measures is reduced to the following volume:

  1. Normalization of lifestyle: work, nutrition, rest, exercise, healthy sleep;

  2. Refusal of bad habits: alcohol, smoking, drug addiction;

  3. Refusal of interrupted intercourse as the only method of contraception;

  4. Refusal of abuse of self-satisfaction;

  5. Treatment and prevention of somatic disorders and diseases: neurological, cardiac, vascular, hepatic, endocrine;

  6. Timely treatment of diseases of the genital area: prostatitis, adenoma, orchiepididymitis;

  7. Prevention of injuries of the genital organs, especially the cavernous bodies of the penis;

  8. Regular sexual activity;

  9. Refusal of promiscuity;

  10. Timely awareness and treatment of problems with erectile ability;

  11. Proper sexual and mental relationship with a sexual partner.

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