Impotence – causes, treatment

Impotence is a type of sexual dysfunction that occurs in men. The main symptom of impotence with which patients see a doctor is the lack of erection or ejaculation (ejaculation) despite the excitement and satisfactory foreplay. Short-term erectile dysfunction is normal and should not be confused with impotence.

Impotence – definition

Impotence is a sexual dysfunction that manifests itself mainly in the loss of erection and ejaculation despite the man’s excitement. Short-term erectile dysfunction should not be confused with impotence under any circumstances, as impotence is most often associated with poor blood flow. This situation means that the penis cannot get a full and permanent erection.

According to research, z the problem of impotence 50% of men between 40 and 70 struggle with each other. Unfortunately, many men ignore this problem, believing that it is synonymous with not being masculine and giving up sexual activity. Impotence causes a low self-esteem, falls into depression, and is also afraid of rejection by the partner. Thanks to the development of medicine, new methods of treatment are available that help to return to the former sexual activity, which in turn increases self-esteem and improves mental health.

Impotent is a man who has problems obtaining an erection for a long time. This problem usually appears in men of mature age, although research has shown that more and more young boys have problems with potency.

Impotence – causes

Impotence is most common in men over 50. However, it also happens earlier. Impotence can be divided into primary i secondary (occurring during normal sexual functioning). In most cases, impotence is caused by poor blood flow, as a result of which the penis is unable to obtain a full and sustained erection. This can be embarrassing and embarrassing for men who want to have a successful sex life.

Most men consider their symptoms a normal aging process or consider their problem to be of minor importance. The truth is, however, that still nearly 80% of men do not discuss their sexuality with their GP.

We can distinguish a few causes of impotence:

  1. Psychiatric impotence: it results from the anxiety that arises in connection with the potential occurrence of sexual activity or, more generally, sexuality. This condition can cause complexes, fear of conception, stress, a sense of sin, or past traumatic experiences.
  2. Physical impotence: erectile dysfunction can be caused by heart disease, diabetes, age, alcohol, drugs.

Other factors that contribute to impotence include:

  1. hormonal – decreased testosterone levels or high prolactin levels,
  2. neurogenic – spinal injury, stroke, brain tumor, multiple sclerosis, paraplegia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,
  3. circulatory system – diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension caused by smoking, changes in the vessels of the penis,
  4. pharmacological – taking antidepressants, neuroleptics and antihypertensive drugs,
  5. mixed – about 1/3 of men have mixed impotence.

About 25 percent. men have mixed impotence (endocrine and circulatory). When it comes to psychological factors, they predominate in younger men, especially when they are in a relationship with a new partner.

Men looking for the root cause of their problem should ask themselves some basic questions.

  1. Have you experienced constant stress over the last period of time?
  2. Did your erectile dysfunction problems come on suddenly or have they gradually worsened?
  3. Do you use any preparations that can negatively affect your erection?
  4. Do you have any other conditions that may suggest hormonal disorders or other diseases?
  5. Do you abuse alcohol?
  6. Do you smoke cigarettes (more than 20 a day)?
  1. If you answered yes to most of the questions, see your doctor! On the haloDoctor platform, the urologist will be able to talk to you within 10 minutes

The impact of impotence on everyday life and psyche

Erection problems greatly undermine male self-esteem. There is fear and a sense of danger as to whether the man will ever be able to satisfy his partner again. Very often the feeling of fear is so intense that the man does not allow such a thought, he starts looking for other causes of the problem, e.g. pointing out her mistakes to his partner. Impotence is a serious problem because, in addition to sexual dysfunction, it causes other ailments:

  1. decrease in libido,
  2. ejaculation disorders.

You can try herbal preparations to support your potency, such as AMORECAPS herbal aphrodisiacs available on Medonet Market in a package containing 30 capsules.

Psychiatric impotence occurs suddenly when there is tension between the partners and the morning erections are full. On the other hand, physical impotence develops gradually, in the morning there is an incomplete erection or its complete absence, the man has no problem with ejaculation.

If you are looking for a supporting agent, you can try a set of dietary supplements for her and for him – maca and tribulus terrestris have a positive effect on male potency and increase libido in women. You can also buy Maca BIO powder – a preparation for regular use, which improves potency and at the same time adds energy and increases the efficiency of the body.

Diagnosing impotence

If you notice problems with your potency, tell your GP about it at your next visit. He may refer you to a sexologist who will investigate the underlying causes of these disorders in more detail. Diagnosing impotence is carried out by analyzing the psyche of the sick person and the symptoms. During the diagnosis, the possibility of getting an erection by stimulation is also checked. The ultrasound method (USG) can be used to check that nothing is blocking the free flow of blood through the penis. In addition, the doctor orders tests such as:

  1. cholesterol level
  2. glucose concentration,
  3. prolactin level
  4. testosterone levels.

Diagnosis and treatment of impotence is the responsibility of a urologist. Men are reluctant to talk about the problem of impotence. Unfortunately, avoiding this topic, or even worse, ignoring it delays the diagnosis of the cause and the implementation of appropriate treatment. Gentlemen should remember that impotence is another medical problem for doctors, which is not surprising.

  1. If you are ashamed to talk about your problems, enter the haloDoctor platform and choose the best form of contact for you!

Impotence – treatment

If psychological factors are at the root of impotence, psychotherapy may be helpful. In the case of organic impotence, many methods are used to facilitate and maintain an erection, e.g. devices with a pump to maintain negative pressure in the corpus cavernosum, implants, surgery to clear the vessels of the penis and pharmaceuticals. A number of medications are also used to combat most cases of impotence.

To sum up, the basic methods of treating impotence include:

  1. psychotherapy,
  2. oral treatment with pharmacological agents,
  3. pharmacological treatment with injections into the cavernous bodies,
  4. surgical treatment (penile prosthesis, vascular surgery and microsurgery),
  5. treatment with the use of vacuum devices.

Other treatments:

  1. implantation of external vacuum devices (used in patients for whom pharmacological treatment and psychotherapy do not bring the desired results). The vacuum apparatus consists of a cylinder that creates a vacuum around the penis, which causes an inflow of blood, and a compression ring placed at the base of the penis, preventing venous outflow. The ring enables intercourse, it can only be worn for 30 minutes.
  2. implantation of dentures;
  3. penile vessel surgery.

Transplants and member operations are performed in exceptional circumstances.

Drug treatment of impotence


Among the pharmacological agents used in the treatment of impotence, there are several groups, but the most commonly used are phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors, among them the most common – sildenafil.

Other measures to treat impotence include:

  1. hormonal preparations, e.g. androgens,
  2. given as injections into the cavernous bodies of the penis – vasoactive preparations,
  3. vasoactive drugs from the group of dopaminergic and serotonergic antagonists such as L-dopa, apomorphine and their derivatives. They cause an erection, but are not very popular due to the side effects and short-term effect. Treatment with apomorphine (a drug that stimulates dopaminergic receptors) causes nausea and vomiting, and low blood pressure. In turn, trazodone has an antidepressant effect and treats general erectile dysfunction.
  4. hormones – impotence is often caused by androgen deficiency due to aging. The deficiency of this hormone can lead to endocrine problems (e.g. thyroid, pituitary). In addition, drug-induced hypogonadism can occur in patients who regularly engage in strength sports and take steroids to promote muscle gain. In the diagnosis of impotence, the concentration of free testosterone in the blood serum is considered the basic test. To obtain confirmation, several tests should be made, because the level of the hormone varies over the course of the day. There are (rarely) cases in which the treatment of erection consists in the administration of androgens. In turn, testosterone is available in the form of intramuscular, oral or transdermal,
  5. drugs injected into the cavernous bodies – help to heal erectile dysfunction. The patient must self-inject into the penis before each sexual intercourse. The preparation should be injected into the area of ​​the penis base on one side. Often, the use of this type of preparation may cause fibrosis of the corpus cavernosum (the consequence is penile curvature),
  6. phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors – belong to the group of vasoactive drugs, i.e. they control the concentration of physiological substances acting on the vessels. Preparations from this group cause the enzyme that turns off erection to be blocked (more specifically type 5 phosphodiesterase). This increases the level of the erection activator, i.e. cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). There are 3 drugs in this group available in Poland: sildenafil, vardenafil and tadalafil.

If you want to take care of your sexual health, have a positive effect on potency and libido, try Fertility for men – Panaseus dietary supplement containing, among others, maca root.

Psychotherapy in impotence

Psychotherapy in patients with impotence includes meetings with a partner (training method), individual psychotherapy or hypnosis. Individual psychotherapy is used in men whose impotence results from sexual trauma, problems in the family environment or neurosis. Partner meetings are recommended when the cause of the problem lies in the relationship between a man and a woman. Training methods with a partner usually last 5-7 weeks.

Check also:

  1. What are the types of psychotherapy? Indications for a visit to a psychotherapist
  2. Erection pills – action, safety, use

What should men with impotence keep in mind?

Men with impotence should:

  1. engage in physical activity,
  2. control your weight,
  3. control the pressure,
  4. avoid smoking and drinking alcohol,
  5. take care of your intimate life,
  6. eat a healthy diet,
  7. take care of a good atmosphere in a relationship,
  8. consider the possibility of changing the medications taken – if they are the cause of impotence.

Read also: Impotence is curable

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