Important rules for supporting the immunity of the youngest in the fall
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In the first years of life, the child’s immune system is still maturing and is particularly vulnerable to various types of infections. In autumn, when the weather can be surprising, supporting the immunity of the youngest becomes of key importance. How to protect a young organism on cold, gloomy days? Ewa Skwarek, a BoboVita expert, suggests.

We have milk as a protective shield at any time of the year

The period of infancy and early childhood is a time when a child’s immune system is still developing. The baby has not had any contact with many microorganisms that are present in the environment, so in order to deal with them, he needs support. The best way to do this is to breastfeed from the moment you are born. Mother’s milk is an appropriate composition of nutrients and active substances that support the functioning of the immune system of the young organism.

It is worth remembering that, according to experts, e.g. from the World Health Organization (WHO), recommended diet in the first six months of a child’s life.

Not earlier than from the 17th week of life (beginning of the 5th month) and not later than the 26th week of life (beginning of the 7th month), the introduction of complementary foods should be started on the infant’s diet [1].

A properly balanced menu

If the toddler has already started the adventure with expanding the diet, it is very important that it meets his needs for nutrients and is varied. In addition to mother’s milk (or modified milk, if the toddler is not breastfed), an important element are complementary foods – vegetables, fruit, cereal products, and over time also meat, fish or dairy products. New meals in the menu should be valuable and introduced in accordance with the nutrition scheme of children in the first year of life.

In order to support the child’s immunity in the period of increased morbidity, it is worth composing its menu based on products rich in vitamins, such as A, C, D or E, and minerals, including iodine and iron. Food enriched with these ingredients, intended especially for infants and young children, can help in this respect.

Suitable for a toddler

An example of products suitable for the youngest are porridges available on the Polish market with the age indication on the packaging (e.g. after 6 or 9 months of age). Their nutritional value complies with the legal requirements, and the cereals they contain undergo up to several hundred quality and safety tests. What are the reasons why you should give them to your toddler every day? They are available in many flavors that children like, they contain valuable vitamins, including vitamin C, and important minerals such as iodine and iron, thanks to which they support the proper development and immune system of the child every day.

Get enough sleep

In addition to a properly composed diet, it is very important that the baby gets enough sleep. In addition to getting enough sleep, a regular time of rest is important for the body to regenerate.

Fresh air and exercise are valuable support – whatever the weather

Spending time outdoors with your toddler is of great importance to his or her constantly developing immune system. Thanks to joint exits in combination with physical activity, the child’s body is hardened and gets used to various weather conditions – cold, wind or rain. Before the autumn walk, it is worth paying attention to the right clothes – the one for the onion will prevent the young organism from overheating.

[1] Szajewska H. et al., Principles of nutrition of healthy infants. The position of the Polish Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition of Children, Medical Standards / Pediatrics 2021, Vol. 18.

Important information

It is recommended to continue breastfeeding while introducing complementary foods. Breastfeeding should continue for as long as desired by mother and baby. Breastfeeding is best for your baby.

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