Import data into Excel 2010 from the web

Do you want to use regularly updated data from the Internet? We’ll show you how to easily and quickly set up data import from the Internet into Excel 2010 so that your spreadsheet is always up to date.

How to create a table linked to the internet?

To import data into an Excel spreadsheet, select the command from Web (From the Internet) in the section Get External Data (Get external data) tab Data (Data).

In the dialog box that opens, enter the address of the website from which you want to import data and click Go (Start). The page will be loaded into the same preview window, you can scroll through it and find the information you need

Import data into Excel 2010 from the web

Before each of the web tables, there is a small arrow that indicates that this table can be imported into Excel. Click on it to select the data to download, and then click Import (Import).

Import data into Excel 2010 from the web

A message will appear Downloading (Download) – This means that Excel is importing data from the specified web page.

Import data into Excel 2010 from the web

Select the cell in which the data from the Internet will be placed, and click OK.

Import data into Excel 2010 from the web

A system message appears in the selected cell stating that Excel is importing data.

Import data into Excel 2010 from the web

After a while, the information from the selected web page will appear in an Excel spreadsheet. It is possible that some extra data will get into the table – they can be safely deleted.

Import data into Excel 2010 from the web

You can use the imported data in the same way as any other information in Excel. They can be used to build graphs, sparklines, formulas. Sparklines are a new data manipulation tool introduced in Excel 2010. You can learn more about sparklines in the tutorial How to Use Sparklines in Excel 2010. Using dynamic data in Excel has one great advantage – it will automatically update when information on the web changes. -page.

Import data into Excel 2010 from the web

Data update

If you want to be sure that the information in the table is up to date and as relevant as possible, click the command Refresh All (Update All) tab Data (Data). This action will send a request to the web page and, if there is a more recent version of the data, start the update process on the table.

Import data into Excel 2010 from the web

If you want the information in the table to be automatically updated at some specified frequency, select the table cell containing dynamic data and press the command Properties (Properties) section Connections (Connections) tab Data (Data).

Import data into Excel 2010 from the web

In the dialog box that opens, check the box Refresh every (Update every) and specify the refresh rate in minutes. By default, Excel automatically refreshes data every 60 minutes, but you can set any period you want. Or, for example, tell Excel to update the information every time the file is opened.

Import data into Excel 2010 from the web

If you are using static data from the Internet in Excel, such as the densities of minerals or area areas of states, then background refresh can be turned off so that Excel does not connect to the Internet unnecessarily.


The Internet provides a bottomless treasure trove of information that can be put to good use in your business. With tools that allow you to import information into Excel, you can easily use online data in your work. Sports results tables, melting temperatures of metals or exchange rates from all over the world – now there is no need to enter them manually and constantly check the relevance of information on various Internet resources.

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