Implantation of gold threads. Video
There are not so few methods that allow you to get rid of various signs of aging: reducing skin elasticity, wrinkles, etc. When the first wrinkles have just begun to appear, lifting cream will help to remove them, but surgical intervention is already required to eliminate deep wrinkles. What to do if creams and masks no longer help, but you do not want to resort to surgery? In such cases, alternative methods can help, for example, implantation of gold threads.
Implantation of gold threads
Golden threads in cosmetology
For skin rejuvenation, giving it elasticity, getting rid of wrinkles, thin golden threads are introduced into the skin. They are implanted either in the direction of wrinkles and deep folds, or they are applied in the form of a mesh to correct larger areas with fine wrinkles and other defects.
The implantation of gold threads in the chin, face, neck and other parts of the body is a complex and gentle surgical procedure that allows you to achieve the effect of preserving your appearance for a sufficiently long time.
The effect of this operation lasts for 5-10 years
Indications for implantation of gold threads
Implantation of gold threads is indicated in the following cases:
- a woman wants to maintain her appearance for a long time, then this operation is effective at the age of 27 to 37 years
- the need to improve the elasticity and turgor of the skin, eliminate the fine mesh of wrinkles
- to eliminate the sagging of the soft tissues of the face – in particular, the wings
- to eliminate wrinkles in the nose and forehead area
- to eliminate wrinkles and folds in the corner of the mouth and upper lip
- in order to eliminate horizontal wrinkles in the neck area
- to restore skin elasticity in the décolleté area
- to restore elasticity and turgor of the skin in the thighs, inner surface of the shoulders
As the analyzes of the results of operations show, women of 27 years of age who put gold threads at 35 years old look even better than before implantation.
The next period when suture implantation is recommended is the age of 37–38 years. With a normal hormonal background of the body, as well as in the absence of a smoking habit, a woman of 43–44 years old with the help of the introduction of golden threads, it is quite possible to return the appearance of 37–38 years old.
Implantation of gold threads
The operation takes place under intravenous or local anesthesia. Implantation of gold threads is less traumatic. Hematomas (bruising) are unlikely. There is no need for hospitalization; after the operation, the patient goes home. In the area of the implantation, pieces of a patch are applied, which are then removed the very next day. Within three days after the operation, the skin should be treated with a special ointment, after which moisturizing creams can be used.
Swelling and bruising disappear after 5-10 days
About two months after the implantation, the patients hear the first compliments: “You look great, wonderful cosmetologist, well rested”, etc. This means that the golden threads have started to work. Over the course of a year, the thread shrinks by 8–10% of its original length and transforms from a straight shape into a spiral. This effect can be seen on dental x-rays of patients.
The accumulation of the anti-aging effect of the threads lasts up to one and a half years, and then the patient’s appearance is preserved for a long time. Of course, one should also not forget about effective cosmetic techniques, peeling, mesotherapy, laser, photo and other options for skin rejuvenation.
Golden threads: are there any contraindications?
There are some contraindications to the implantation of gold threads:
- an acute form of a general infectious disease (ARVI, influenza, etc.)
- bleeding disorders
- severe chronic illness
- inflammation at the site of implantation of threads
- oncological diseases
The procedure for implantation of threads has not yet been fully understood, so it is worth reading the reviews of people who have tried it before deciding on gold reinforcement.
Cons and possible complications of gold thread implantation:
- fragility of golden threads that can break along the lines of facial expressions. However, this is not capable of significantly damaging health. But when using this technique, your facial expressions will remain natural, and your face will not resemble a mask;
- in some cases, hematomas and redness of the skin may occur in the area of implantation of gold threads. Usually, such unpleasant consequences go away on their own within 1-2 weeks. It happens that the temperature rises after the operation. It usually goes away on its own within a week.
So, the implantation of gold threads in cosmetology: reviews about it can be found not only on women’s forums and sites, but also on the Internet portals of leading cosmetology companies. Do not be lazy and ask what exactly the introduction of threads in cosmetology is: a review about them may surprise you a little. The opinions of different people about this cosmetic procedure can be very different. But, as a rule, the reviews are similar in one thing – high-quality and fast rejuvenation of the body parts into which the threads were implanted.
At the moment, golden threads are the most effective and safe method of building connective tissue to fight wrinkles.
According to reviews, the first consequences of using this procedure appear in the form of a noticeable rejuvenation effect from 1 to 6-7 weeks.
Reviews about the use of gold threads in cosmetology often become the reasons for various disputes. Nevertheless, to date, a full-fledged alternative to this method has not been found.
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