Implant bleeding

Implantation bleeding is a mild clotting discharge that usually occurs in women a few days after ovulation has taken place, or a week before the expected date of the onset of menstruation. In medical practice, such bleeding is usually classified as a harbinger of a possible conception in the first case, and as evidence of the opposite – in the second.

What does implantation bleeding look like?

Such bleeding is characterized by the appearance of slight mucous blood clots or clear drops of blood, and is noted at the time when a fertilized egg is implanted in the uterine wall. The explicitness of such a process is not observed in all women; in most cases, such discharges are left without due attention.

The color of the discharge can vary from pale pink to brown, this factor depends on the general health of the body of each individual woman. The duration of implantation bleeding is from one hour to several days, but the second option is quite rare and can be regarded as a manifestation of pathology. Often, implantation bleeding is confused with the first day of menstruation, so it goes unnoticed.

In any case, such discharges require an immediate appeal to a specialized specialist, since they can also be provoked by other reasons, for example, diseases or anomalies in the structure of the genitourinary system. Among the most unpleasant reasons, we can note the rejection of the embryo in the early stages or dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

How many days does implantation bleeding last?

Implant bleeding

The duration of implantation bleeding is purely individual. In cases where its duration exceeds several days, the woman needs urgent hospitalization. All other manifestations of the process are considered the norm. It is impossible to regard such discharge as a categorical sign of the onset of pregnancy. In gynecology, such bleeding is considered one of the early news of fertilization, but is not always so. With the onset of conception, implantation bleeding will manifest itself even before a woman is able to notice a significant delay or take a pregnancy test.

This bleeding has absolutely no effect on the usefulness of pregnancy. Almost 10% of the total number of pregnant women encountered this phenomenon and observed it in themselves from one hour to two days, and only after a few weeks they realized that they were expecting a baby.

It should be noted that only a fully mature egg can be fertilized, that is, conception occurs either during the ovulation period itself, or immediately after it. The average healthy woman ovulates in the middle of her menstrual cycle. For example, your cycle consists of 30 days, then ovulation will be observed from the 13th to the 16th day. But to this period, you need to add another 7-10 days, during which the mature egg migrates to the place of attachment through the fallopian tubes. The introduction of the egg into the uterine wall falls on the 25-28th day of the menstrual cycle.

Causes of implantation bleeding

Implant bleeding

Based on the above facts, it can be argued that the moment of implantation bleeding occurs just a week before the expected date of menstruation. In the event that regular bleeding occurs at the indicated time, pregnancy has not occurred, and if a woman has a delay, they talk about a possible conception.

Such discharges in themselves are not negative if the woman has no history of gynecological diseases. This is a completely normal and natural phenomenon for an adequately functioning organism, since immediately after the introduction of the egg into the uterine wall, a massive hormonal storm begins. The main thing that needs to be done by a woman who has noticed such discharge in herself is to contact a specialist and exclude the possibility of other vaginal bleeding.

It is imperative to pay attention to the characteristics of the secreted mucus. The causes of implantation bleeding are not at all pathological, which means that the discharge should be rare, and the color of the blood clot cannot be darker than the blood during menstruation. Lighter – yes, darker, up to crimson and dark brown – no. The release of blood is caused by an objective process of partial destruction of the vascular network in the walls of the uterus during the implantation of a fertilized egg.

The sensations that a woman experiences during implantation bleeding are also extremely important. Especially pulling and cutting attempts in the pubic area. The pain must be mild. The reason for this is the spasm of the uterine muscles, immediately after the introduction of the egg.

When keeping a diary of daily basal temperature readings, the curve of marks can change significantly at the time of implantation bleeding. When fixing, the temperature rises up to 37,5C. But at the same time, already a week after successful ovulation, the temperature drops significantly, and this is a direct sign of the onset of fertilization.

In the menstrual calendar, it is important to note the date of the last natural bleeding. With a normal cycle, which ranges from 28 to 30 days, ovulation occurs on average on the 16th day. Successful fertilization of the egg will lead to its implantation in the uterine wall in a week and a half. Based on this, a woman can easily calculate the exact date of implementation.

For conception, it is better to choose a few days before and a few days after ovulation. But it is best to consult with a reproductologist in advance, who will help you determine the exact time that is most suitable for fertilization.

How to distinguish implantation bleeding from menstruation?

There are several ways to determine implantation bleeding. All of them have a sufficient level of persuasiveness and are often used by women in home practice.

Standard menstrual bleeding usually begins with modest discharge, which becomes more abundant every day, and then their frequency and intensity again decline. In some cases, implantation bleeding manifests itself just a few days before the onset of menstruation, or even during it. It is necessary to pay attention not only to the amount of blood released, but also to its color, and even the smell.

In addition to all of the above, bloody clotted discharge from the vagina, which are noted in the middle of the cycle, can signal the presence of such diseases and pathological conditions:

  • Chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and other infections transmitted through unprotected sexual contact;

  • Candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, endometriosis. Among the symptoms of these diseases, moderate bleeding is often noted;

  • An ectopic pregnancy, which, in addition to the release of blood-containing clots, is also characterized by severe pain in the lower abdomen, the urge to vomit, and headaches;

  • Miscarriage in the early stages and in the first trimester;

  • Damage to the lining epithelium during intercourse;

  • Discharge can be a symptom of hormonal imbalance, or uterine adnexal inflammation.

If you suspect any of the above cases, you should urgently seek advice from a gynecologist. 

When should I take a pregnancy test after implantation bleeding?

Implant bleeding

Once the implantation bleeding has ended, a control pregnancy test should be done. The best time for this procedure is on the 10th day after the cessation of ovulation. There is a high chance that the test will show a positive result.

Symptoms that will help identify implantation bleeding and set the timing of a pregnancy test:

  • Nausea. Nausea in the first hours after waking up is very typical for the first months of pregnancy. Perhaps the rejection of odors that previously did not cause much discomfort;

  • Painful swelling of the chest. With the onset of pregnancy, the sensitivity of the mammary glands to external stimuli increases significantly. But this fact may indicate both conception and anticipate the onset of regular bleeding;

  • Constant fatigue. In the first trimester, women are often depressed and tired much faster, this is due to serious hormonal changes in the body. If there are no physical exertions exceeding the norm, and enough time for rest is allotted, and at the same time spotting is noted, it is necessary to do a test;

  • Frequent urination It is also a sign of pregnancy. Or sudden constipation, which was previously not characteristic of a particular woman. If there are no other objective reasons for such conditions, a test is performed;

  • Mood swings, drowsiness, tearfulness. Implantation bleeding is often accompanied by dramatic changes in a woman’s own mood. But this sign can also indicate both pregnancy and the imminent onset of menstruation;

  • Regular dizziness. During hormonal surges, such consequences are very common. Therefore, if a woman experiences similar sensations while climbing stairs, sudden movements, or simply for no reason, there is a high probability of pregnancy.

The main thing to remember is that implantation bleeding, or manifestations similar to it, are not yet a XNUMX% guarantee of conception. An examination by a specialist and a high-quality pregnancy test will help clarify this issue.

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