Imperial hazel grouse bulbs
The imperial hazel grouse won the hearts of flower growers with its original appearance: the stem, which can grow up to 80 cm in length, is decorated with bright bell-shaped flowers on top. It blooms in early spring. For planting it for decorative purposes, hazel grouse bulbs are used. You can also plant seeds, but the plant in this case will be able to bloom only after 7 years.
Planting imperial hazel grouse bulbs
First you need to prepare the planting material. It has been harvested since the beginning of summer. Bulbs should be examined and selected. They should not have traces of illness or damage. Only healthy bulbs are used for planting. They have the shape of a slightly flattened ball with a hole in the center.
Grouse bulbs are planted in pre-prepared beds
The bulbs are quite large, weighing from 0,5 to 1 kg. High-quality planting material should not have old roots, as well as mold, rot, cracks. The dried up part of the old shoot can be left.
Dig up the bulbs after the plant has faded and the stem begins to dry out. From this moment you can wait no more than 1,5 weeks. If you are late with this matter, the roots will begin to rot. This must not be allowed
Immediately after digging up and inspecting them, they must be rinsed with warm water with potassium permanganate, then dried. Storage is allowed in a dry and ventilated area. It should be warm there, the permissible temperature is no more than 35 ° C. By the time of planting, new roots will already appear on the bulbs.
Imperial hazel grouse: when to plant bulbs
Flowers are planted in late August or early September, but before that, two weeks before you need to start preparing the soil:
- Choose a planting site – it should be sunny, but protected from drafts.
- Dig holes 30 cm deep. The most optimal dimensions are 40 cm in length and width.
- Leave a distance of 30 cm between the holes.
- After 2 weeks, pour some sand on the bottom of the hole, insert a peg in the center of it so that its free part from the ground is 50 cm long.
- Prepare the soil from the dug holes in advance: mix it with compost.
- Arrange the bulbs next to the pegs and cover with fertilized soil.
We water the flowerbed, and watering should be continued regularly, if there is no rain, up to the very frost. For the winter, we cover the soil with mulch – coniferous branches, leaves, straw. Although the hazel grouse is frost-resistant, this measure is necessary.
With the onset of spring, the covering material must be removed. But do this very carefully, otherwise you can damage the delicate shoots. For the same reason, you should not loosen the soil – the roots may be very close to the surface.