Impala potatoes: variety description and characteristics
Impala potatoes originated in Holland. Light yellow tubers ripen 2,5 months after planting. The variety is quite fruitful and tasty, but its advantages do not end there.
Description of Impala potatoes
The variety is versatile, potatoes grow equally well on any soil, in any climatic zone, preserving their taste. Impala is a variety that is resistant to various diseases.
Impala potatoes taste good
Distinctive features of the variety:
- dense, but smooth peel of a yellow tint, without roughness;
- rare eyes;
- creamy pulp;
- oval tubers;
- the average weight of tubers is from 100 to 160 g.
Potatoes are suitable for first courses and side dishes, they do not boil over even after prolonged processing. Starch content from 10 to 15%. Easy to transport and store due to its dense skin. Tubers are stored for about 3-4 months, and practically do not deteriorate.
Potato bushes are erect, their height reaches 75 cm. About 5 stems develop on one plant, potatoes bloom with white flowers with a yellow center. The leaves are even, large, a light wave is noticeable at the edges, their color is saturated green.
Characteristics and advantages of Impala potatoes
The variety is notable for its high yield and early maturity. On average, one bush is capable of producing up to 15 well-developed tubers. On an industrial scale, from 1 to 40 tons of potatoes are harvested from 60 hectare. With good care and feeding, the tubers ripen on the 45th day after germination.
These potatoes are grown everywhere. In the northern regions, it gives stable yields both in the greenhouse industry and in the open field. In the southern part of the country, two potato crops are harvested per season.
The bushes adapt well to drought and high humidity, but it is still necessary to care for them. Soil plays an important role, preferably loose sandy soils, but the yield remains high on any land. Follow the crop rotation, the vegetable is planted after legumes and cruciferous crops. But where peppers or tomatoes grew, you do not need to plant potatoes.
Before planting, the tubers are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate
Among all the advantages of the variety, there is one drawback – the tubers germinate for a long time, even in warmth. A month before planting, they are taken out of storage and prepared.
As you can see, the Impala variety has more advantages than disadvantages. If you are looking for a suitable variety for a summer residence, then pay attention to this one.