Immunology – types, immunological tests, diagnostics

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Immunology is a branch of science related to disorders of the body’s immune system, both primary and secondary. It is closely related to other specialties, such as transplantology or oncology, and the people who work in it are called immunologists.

Future immunologists have the opportunity to obtain knowledge in larger urban centers throughout the country. One of the most famous scientific institutions are wum (Medical University of Warsaw), in which knowledge about such a field of science as immunology (including clinical immunology) can be obtained at the department located at Jana Nielubowicza 5, and UMP in Poznan.

Types of immunology

The fields of science are included in immunology serology (investigating interactions between antigens and antibodies), immunopathology (related directly to disorders of the immune system), immunogenetics (which deals with the inheritance of antigenic traits and resistance from genetics) and immunochemistry (analyzing the structures of antibodies and antigens).

At Medonet Market you can buy the DuoLife ProImmuno dietary supplement with quercitin and zinc for viral infections, inflammation and strengthening immunity.

Diseases diagnosed by an immunologist

Immunologist is a specialist who, in the course of his research, is able to detect a number of autoimmune diseases (related to the fact that the body recognizes some of its tissues as foreign and leads to their destruction), the immune system, thyroid, intestines, connective tissue, related diseases with allergies and fertility problems. Examples of diseases that he diagnoses very often immunology, are: lupus, rubella, mononucleosis, borreliosis, Hashimoto’s disease, psoriasis, viral hepatitis, toxoplasmosis, rheumatoid arthritis, or cytomegaly.

For preventive purposes, it is worth strengthening your immunity. This can be done with dietary supplements. At Medonet Market, you can now buy a natural dietary supplement Pycnogenol 30 mg with French pine bark extract, supporting the immune system and having antiviral properties.

As for the recommendations on visits to the immunologist, there are ten characteristic symptoms identified by the European Immunodeficiency Society (ESID) as evidence of deficiencies in the body’s immunity.

These include at least six ear or respiratory tract infections in one year, at least two sinusitis in the same period, more than 2 months antibiotic treatment that does not show a clear improvement, at least two pneumonia in one year, inhibition of growth or no weight gain in a child, the presence of abscesses of internal organs and skin, chronic oral thrush, the need for long-term use of intravenous antibiotics when the infection cannot be controlled in any way, and at least two serious infections (e.g. skin, bones, brain) and a family history suggesting that primary immunodeficiencies may be present.

During visits to the immunologist an interview is conducted. During it, the doctor obtains information such as the presence of chronic diseases, past infections, vaccinations and related complications.

When potential problems with the immune system are detected, immunology will refer the patient to detailed blood tests where antibodies are measured.

Blood test after visiting the immunologist

Ongoing research after visiting an immunologist, blood is collected from the patient in an appropriate sample, into which various antigens in the form of bacteria, viruses, fungi, but also foreign or own tissues, treated by the body as foreign, are introduced. A number of conditions can be detected by observing the reaction that occurs during a laboratory test. Such tests are also extremely important when checking the health of a pregnant woman and an unborn child.

As a support in the fight against autoimmune diseases, you can treat the Bio Chlorella immunity supplement (contains algae which are a source of vitamins and microelements) or Reishi mushroom capsules (have immunostimulating and antiallergic properties).

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