Immunologist: how to save yourself from viruses in the fall

Immunologist: how to save yourself from viruses in the fall

See answers to questions about immunity in the recording of our broadcast.

The closer the autumn, the more worries about the health of loved ones. We think about how to protect ourselves and family members from viral and colds. This is especially true this fall: epidemiologists warn that the situation with influenza and SARS may be complicated by the second wave of coronavirus infection. It’s time to launch all the body’s resources and properly prepare for the autumn cold season!

At a special webinar, an immunologist Georgy Khristovich Vikulov talked about immunity, its weaknesses and what will help support it.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Director of the Research Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Viral Infections, Head of the Herpes Center of the Doctor.Prof clinic, infectious disease doctor, immunologist-allergologist (Moscow)

What will you hear on the air:

  • SARS and immunity – what is the reason for frequent SARS in children? Is it true that frequent colds in kindergarten and schoolchildren are a parental blunder?

  • What determines the severity and duration of the disease?

  • How does immunity work? Why do doctors link immunity and gut microbiota health?

  • What are immunomodulators and do they work?

  • Why is it important to maintain a healthy gut microbiota, how and how to maintain it?

  • Lemon, honey or probiotics – which will protect you from viruses?

    And not only!

The webinar was supported by Pharmamed JSC.

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