All right, goodbye summer, hello autumn. This means dampness, slush, cold and … apchi!
No, we strongly disagree to get sick. There are too many other interesting things around. It’s time to remember the ancient commandment that we are what we eat, and slightly adjust your diet taking into account the cold weather that has come.
So what is lacking in our immunity? He needs protein to build new immune cells (lymphocytes and leukocytes), zinc and selenium to maintain the body’s defenses. You just need iron for normal hemoglobin levels. Another important element is omega-3 fatty acids. The body will take energy for building new cells from “slow” carbohydrates. And don’t forget about vitamins. Where can we get all this from? has collected the simplest recipes that will provide you with everything you need to maintain your immunity in good shape.
1. Quail egg mogul: protein, iron and vitamins
Cooking a mogul is very simple: 5-6 eggs must be thoroughly ground with a tablespoon of sugar. As soon as the mixture turns into a homogeneous white mass, you can drink it. And do not worry about raw eggs: quails do not get salmonellosis, so eggs are completely safe.
2. Sweet potato puree soup: vitamins, iron and slow carbohydrates
A sweet potato is not a potato, so don’t be afraid to get better. There are only 100 kilocalories in 61 grams of a vegetable. True, you should not abuse it either: there is quite a lot of starch and sugar in it. It’s easy to make sweet potato soup: peel and boil the tubers, then grind in a blender along with a glass of broth and spices – ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, thyme are perfect. Season with a little salt and pepper, put the mixture back into the saucepan, pour a glass of milk, bring to a boil and cook for another 5 – 10 minutes.
3. Mediterranean-style fish: omega-3s, protein and vitamins
Perch, trout, and salmon are excellent sources of omega-3s. In addition, you can make a gourmet dinner from them: in a frying pan, you need to slightly simmer the basil, chopped onions and garlic, transfer to a baking sheet covered with foil, put the fish on top, salt, pepper and add cherry tomatoes cut in half. Squeeze some lemon juice on the fish, add a pinch of grated ginger and put in the oven for half an hour.
4. Beetroot compote: iron and vitamins
It sounds strange, but this compote is the record holder for iron content. It also contains a lot of vitamins, betaine, potassium, calcium, iron, iodine and beta-carotene. What you need: wash a few carrots and beets thoroughly, cut them, fill them with water and cook for 40-50 minutes. We filter, set aside the vegetables – they can then be added to borscht or a side dish. Add a handful of raisins and dried apricots to the broth, cook for another five minutes. Then put a tablespoon of honey and put it in the refrigerator to infuse. Vitamin and mineral booster for immunity is ready.
5. Warm vegetable salad with nuts: fiber and vitamins
Strong immunity is impossible without good digestion, so it would be nice to stimulate it. Grill or bake the bell peppers, eggplant, tomato, young courgette and onion on the grill or oven. Then cut into cubes, stir, sprinkle with nuts and season with olive oil, chopped garlic and herbs. Healthy fats and vitamins are a bonus.
6. Spicy veal: protein, selenium and zinc
Cut the veal into thin slices and marinate in a mixture of soy sauce, finely chopped chili peppers, garlic and ginger – half an hour is enough. Then fry in a wok or in a deep thick-walled skillet in olive oil for five minutes over high heat. We take out the meat and fry the diced onions, carrots and bell peppers in the same pan. We return the veal back, pour the remaining marinade into the pan, simmer together for 3-4 minutes. Such a dish will definitely warm you!
7. Milkshake with figs: iron, protein, vitamins and potassium
Not only is it healthy, it’s also delicious. And if your throat hurts, such a cocktail will come in handy. And at the same time it will improve the quality of sleep. The recipe is as follows: finely chop dried figs, pour in a glass of milk and heat over medium heat for 10 – 15 minutes. You can add a little honey if it is not sweet and sprinkle with cinnamon.
8. Autumn tea: vitamins
Lots of vitamins. Lots of. You will need a large teapot and any autumn berries: rose hips, sea buckthorn, cranberries, lingonberries. Put a handful of berries in a kettle, add grated ginger and honey. If desired, you can add mint, raspberry leaves – there will be even more vitamins, as well as aroma. And throw a slice of lemon directly into the cup.